Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wee Gifties

Around this time of year, I start thinking about things I might want to make to give as Christmas gifts, and I'm always on the lookout for good, quick gifts. I've started a little link list on my sidebar for just this type of thing. If you have any "how-to" links that I can add, please let me know. I'm mainly looking for items that are NOT quilts or food items but rather cute and useful things that might be made and given to friends and acquaintances during the holidays.

Last year I made a few microwave potato bags and tucked them into gift baskets with other goodies. The directions for those are in the Wee Giftie list in the sidebar. Several months ago, I also came across a tutorial for making foot/bed warmers, and I've included that, although I haven't made them yet. So what else? Any ideas to share? I was thinking about making some homemade soap balls and I noticed a few weeks ago that Libby had a photo and link to a recipe. I haven't tried it, but I'd like to, so I'll add that one too.

In other words, I'd like to develop a little bit of a link reference "library" for this kind of thing for all of us to share, and I'd greatly appreciate your suggestions for additions to the "library"! What have you tried or want to try that others may also be interested in?


  1. Hi, just looking at the 'saving the economy one parcel at a time' in your sidebar...what's happened, did you stop for a week?-things deteriorated quickly!! lol
    I always tend to whip up giftbags for my presents, fabric ones seem more sensible than paper. i also make a lot of the little stuffed chooks and the quilted buckets are easy and fun to make but look great- Jodie at Ric Rac has a great tutorial. Do you visit there, she has lots of interesting little ideas.
    Anyway, I'll have a think and get back to you, Tracey

  2. I have a scissor holder tutorial and have seen a needle case at Kris' primitives that I have made a lot of. Our CL's are making wine vests if you are interested in those. They are little vests that you can tie onto a bottle of wine. Pretty cute. Let me know.

  3. I used that bedwarmer tutorial and made a few of them. I LOVE them. They are so much better than just plain rice bags.

  4. I made up a little coin purse/bank card holder and put a tutorial on my blog. Not sure if it's what you are looking for but you can check it out and see if you want to include it =)

    have a great day!

  5. http://pumpkincountry.blogspot.com/search/label/Freebies

    Here is a couple patterns.

  6. What a great idea, Kim! I will have to think upon it, as I have nothing to add at this time. Kinda useless, ain't I?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!