Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekends Go Too Fast!

Doesn't it seem like it was just Friday? And now Sunday's nearly over and it's back to work tomorrow.

If you stopped by looking for the rest of the Scrappy Stars tutorial, just scroll down to the next post. I had a few things I wanted to chat about, so I'm posting separately. And, if you're not looking for Scrappy Stars directions, I bet this post will probably be a little more interesting anyway!

A few days ago, I stopped by to visit Mama Spark and found this interesting--and thought-provoking--post about blogging and bloggers. Some of us had so much to say we commented twice! Hop on over there and take a look if you haven't visited already. Just click HERE. Don't forget to read the comments too. I'll stop by there later to see if any of you had something to say.

And, on the subject of Blogland friends, I had an email from Su Bee who was checking in from a quilting retreat. I had mentioned to her a couple weeks ago that "her" retreat might possibly be the same retreat my "real life" friend Liz was attending, and sure 'nuf, they met and were having a great time sewing and shopping together. That sure made me envious, but I'm glad they were having fun!

On the quilting front, I made the "flimsies" for two pillow shams to go with the Scrappy Stars quilt, but I haven't quilted them yet. I'd show you a picture except I forgot to take one and right now, my lower back's killing me and I don't feel like getting up--lazy, aren't I?! LOL! Today I cleaned house and then did a fair amount of cooking, and I think all the bending and standing did me in. A couple Tylenol PM ought to have me right as rain by the morning though.

A few days ago, someone commented about making apple butter in the crockpot, so I found a RECIPE online and made a batch--it was really pretty easy and turned out great! I started it just before bed on Saturday night and by Sunday noon, this was the result:

I'm telling you, that crockpot got a lot of use this weekend! On Saturday I made a big batch of chili--I thought it was about time to use some of the cans of beans and tomatoes in the cupboard and some of the partial bags of corn in the freezer. Today I made a meatloaf from the rest of the hamburger I bought for the chili. With a refrigerator full of chili and meatloaf, I'm pretty well set for meals this week--and it's so nice to know I can come home from work and not spend much time in the kitchen!

I even filled the cookie jar today.

Last week--I think it may have been Wednesday or Thursday--was Boss's Day. I know I'm a little late, but tonight I put together little gifts for the Boy Boss and the Girl Boss, so they'll get these tomorrow:

There were a couple things I wanted to do this weekend but didn't manage to fit in. For instance, I still have to applique the words on the witch quilt and add a little embroidery, not to mention actually QUILTING it. Well, if it's not finished for THIS Halloween, I'm sure it will be done for the next!

I DID manage to sleep in on Saturday--and took a nap later in the afternoon. That's what I call quality weekend time! And tonight? Well, I'm writing this early but will set it to post later. In the meantime, I'm going to bed with a good book, an ice pack, and some Tylenol PM--but that's not necessarily a bad thing; it's just one of those getting-older things we put up with. All in all, it was a very nice weekend. I hope you enjoyed your weekend too!


  1. Sure have since Hubbie is in the hospital and I had lots of time to sew and finish up my lil red. No cooking for me all day.

  2. You are such a busy little bee! I'm sorry that your back hurts. Hope it feels better today.

  3. I went and read the post and the comments and blog lying. I doubt that someone could keep up the lies for 2 or 3 years of blogging, too hard.

    Thanks for the Stars's a great pattern!

  4. I'm glad you warned me last night about this post, Kim! Yes, my stomach is growling!! LOL Thanks so much for the recipe for apple butter - I am definitely going to make some! Makes great Christmas gifts, right?
    I hope your back feels much better today - mine aches like that way too often, too.

  5. Thanks for the link to the recipe. While I was away this weekend at the Tour de Quilt my Hubby took the kids to the pumpkin patch with scouts and brought back more apples. I will need more recipes. By the way, thanks so much for my package. It arrived today. I can't wait to make something.

  6. Wow, you sure did accomplish alot
    this weekend- a great tutorial and some nice looking apple butter. it is always such a satisfying feeling to be so productive. I am sure your boy boss and girl boss will be touched by your lovely and kind baskets.
    Hope the back feels better and that you are having a good week.


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