Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Party's Over

The long weekend is over--boo hoo! But I've managed to get three of the four basket corners appliqued on the Bouquets of Kisses quilt and I've got holes in my fingers and rough skin to show for it too! I guess I'll need to give them a rest for a couple days before I tackle that last corner.

We had a little excitement here today when Hubby opened the garage door to make a run to Home Depot and two black pups ran in. I tried to get some photos but they didn't turn out well--it's not easy trying to keep two puppies in frame! After learning that none of the animal shelters were open today, Hubby went around the neighborhood knocking on doors. He found someone who recognized the pups and was able to take them back to their home.

On the cooking front, I made phyllo encased chicken breasts and a zucchini and apple dish for dinner, both from the Susan Branch book. And yep, I took a photo, but it didn't really come out very well either. BUT I DID make one of her other recipes, Lemon Noodles, about a week ago, so I'll show you a photo of that one.

Her recipe called for spaghetti noodles, but I thought fettucini would be nice--and it was!

In fact, I thought I'd serve the leftovers another night, but Hubby had other ideas--before I could serve them for dinner, he had eaten the rest for his lunches!

It's time for bed since I have to wake up and get ready for work in the morning. Don't forget to leave a comment on my giveaway post if you haven't already--I'll be drawing a winner tomorrow night. I'm glad you could stop by!


  1. Hope you have a great week and those noodles sounds yummy - oh and that lemon rolled cake in the other post - YUMMO.

    Hugs - karen

  2. Man Kim -- you're really on a cooking roll! All that food looks fantastic!

  3. If I don't win the cookbook, could you just post all the pages like you did the Lemon Noodle Recipe? lol I'm going to make the noodles tonight to go with some chicken breasts. My son loves all pasta dishes, and I can already hear him telling me how good the noodles are.

  4. I am so full from enjoying all those wonderful dishes you've been making. The noodles? I would have eaten them all, too. My favorite. I have a Susan Branch Autumn cookbook. I should dig that out.

  5. I have a Susan Branch cookbook also. I mostly look at the pictures LOL! After looking at your post you have inspired me to pick a recipe and actually try it.
    Love your Halloweenie tree!

  6. All I can say is YUMMY!!!! Much drooling is going on here - I'm trying to keep it off the keyboard. TMI, right? LOL!!

  7. Can you please stop with the food already. Your making me more hungry than I already am!! All I do is eat lately.


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