Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm Sick of Cooking!

Okay, enough with the cooking! It's definitely time for a break.

Takeout turkey cran sandwich. And I've gotta get rid of this darn tempting Susan Branch cookbook before I go nuts again and start cooking more. Right now, we have so many leftovers, I think we could eat for a week without me cooking more, although tonight I rebelled against even doing any reheating.

So, where am I going to send this cookbook? It's a funny thing, but it seems the Boy Child turns up every time I need someone to pick a number. Or maybe he just read my blog and knew I had a lot of food here. In any event, the Boy Child came by tonight, and I asked him to pick a number between 1 and 36, and this time he picked number 29.

I should mention that not everyone who commented wanted in on the drawing, and I had a couple direct emails asking me to include them, so the winning number may not match up with the comments. The winner is . . . drum roll, please . . .

LAURIE! Laurie is a "noreply-comment" blogger, so I'll need Laurie to email me directly and provide me her snail mail address. Here's what Laurie had to say:

"My motto is that you can never have too many cookbooks.. but then again that goes for fabric also.. [Editor's note: Exactly! A gal who thinks the same way I do!] Please enter me in the drawing for the cookbook. Do you come with it to cook some of the recipes for me? [Editor's note: HA! Notta chance! Well, unless you live somewhere I'd like to visit for awhile, and then you might not get rid of me. Especially if I like your stash of fabric.]"

Laurie, you can click on my profile and then click on email and send me a direct email. Congratulations! And thanks to the rest of you for visiting me and entering my little giveaway!


  1. Boy I am off the computer for a bit and I missed a ton!!! Wow that chicken casserole looks yummy. Congrats to the winner!

  2. Congrats to Laurie - what a great comment! If I had won that cookbook, I would've have wanted you to come with it, too!!
    Love turkey cran sammies, and those look really good!

  3. Congrats to your winner and that sammie looks yummy!!!

  4. Kim,
    I e-mailed you my info and thank you very much for the cook book. I am thrilled and excited to have won something. Thanks again!

  5. HI KIm,
    Congratulations to Laurie for winning your lovely cookbook.
    A big Thank you to you, Kim for hosting the giveaway, as well as providing the link to Eileen's blog. I was the lucky winner of her beautiful hand quilted piece from her blog anniversary giveaway.I wouldn't have known about her blog without your suggestion.She is a lovely lady and so are you. Quilt Bloggers are indeed generous people!

    The sandwiches are very delicious looking- By the way, I found marinaded mushrooms here- you will never guess where -
    The Dollar Store- when in doubt check in the dollar store LOL.

    Hope all is well in the sweat shop!

  6. Congratulations Laurie!

    There are times we SHOULD treat ourselves to a non-cooking night! We deserve it! :D


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