Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Day Can Make a HUGE Difference!

Here's the illustrated story of my life over the past day. This is how I was feeling yesterday.

Kinda down. Kinda tired. Who knows why. After work, I changed into a T-shirt and an old pair of pants. This is what the back of the T-shirt said:

It seemed to reflect my mood. Here I am this morning. Running a couple minutes late to work and stuck in traffic behind a stopped school bus. Figures. Do you notice there are absolutely NO KIDS to be seen? We were all stopped for quite awhile waiting for the invisible kids to cross the street. Wouldn't want to run over invisible kids!

Then the turkeys arrived. When the turkeys come for you, you know you're in trouble.

I think these are three of our clients. I told Girl Boss that there were clients outside, asking that she prepare a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to prohibit the consumption of turkey on Thanksgiving.

Then came the end of the work day, a trip to the quilt shop, and the monthly Jo's Little Women Club meeting. Ahhh! Seriously, they don't call it retail therapy without reason!

A few fat quarters to add to the pink and brown "someday" quilt. Then . . .

THEN! Sale fat quarters. 20 for $20. Score! Just about this time, I started to smile again.

And how can you say no if a Halloween squirrel wants to come home with you? Yep, I'm easy--just buy me a few things. Still, I'm not cheap! Then, to top things off, there was the new season premiere of these guys--my favorite Roto Rooter dudes:

Ghost Hunters! An excellent episode too by the way. Most excellent! So, by the end of the evening, I was feeling like this.

I hope you're dancing with Snoopy too!


  1. Love the turkeys!!!! That was just too cute! Love the new fabrics, I am currently working on a pink and brown reproduction fabric quilt. It is the Civil War Love Letters quilt, it has 121 blocks and I now have 67 of them done. Can't wait to see what pattern that you decide on.

  2. You consistently make my day! I'm off to deal with the 22 brand new kindergartners in my class and I think I need that T-shirt to set the tone for the year, LOL!!! I love those turkeys and I think you should consider joining me in a vegetarian Tsgiving!.

  3. You are too funny. Quite a day but ended good.

  4. I think yesterday was that kind of day for everyone! Your post made me laugh, as usual. Retail there any other kind??
    Let us know if you see any more "wild birds".

  5. Love the squirrel! That fabric was quite the score. I'll also have to look up that tv show. Ghost Hunters, you say?

  6. ...why wouldn't I is Friday....and once I get thru today I have two weeks off........yesssssssssssssssss!

  7. Hey, I collect pink and brown remnants/fat quarters for a "someday" pink/brown quilt too! LOL
    Glad your day got better :)

  8. What the heck? Turkeys in the city? How funny! Clients, huh?

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  10. Oh how funny.. Turkeys are at your workplace.. I just am laughing...
    I can't believe all the great dishes you have shown from that cookbook.. I am going to have to search the net and get one.. thanks for sharing!

  11. OK, just so you know, I *need* that squirrel! Did the shop have more? Do you think they would ship one to me? I adore new cute (read creepy) Halloween stuff!!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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