Monday, September 1, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I've spent a somewhat lazy Sunday just playing with applique in the Sweat Shop and watching cable TV re-runs. I really wanted to make another recipe from the Susan Branch cookbook tonight, but about a half hour before I was going to start fixing dinner, I realized I should have defrosted something. ARGH! Luckily I had bought some pizza dough at Trader Joe's the other night, so I had a fall back plan! I hope to have a photo of a recipe to share with you tomorrow though.

In the meantime, if you haven't entered the giveaway for the Susan Branch cookbook yet, please leave me a comment on yesterday's blog post.

And, speaking of giveaways, if you haven't visited my friend Eileen and entered her giveaway yet, get on over there and wish her a happy blogiversary!

Finally, here's one thing I did today that I CAN show you. I know it doesn't look like much now . . .

but someday it will be a Halloween tree! I dug up a dead bush and trimmed down the smaller branches and dead leaves. Hubby was kind enough to take it out back and spray it black for me. Of course, I still have to find a pot or something to stick it in, but I'm happy I found something to use this year--last year I never did find a suitable "tree" and had to make do without one.

Finally, I'm happy to say the flies were no heavier today than they are on any "normal" day. Maybe yesterday they could smell those ribs cooking half the afternoon. Or maybe it was the weather. Whatever it was, I'm glad they seem to have found somewhere else to hang out today!


  1. just about to go home after "manic monday" here at work....enjoyed reading about your lazy sunday!!!Four more days until holidays...but who is counting! love the black tree.....will be watching to see what becomes of it!

  2. Glad your flies have abated somewhat - they are the most revolting things aren't they. I did once hear on the radio a pest controller who said a sudden influx may mean that you have a dead mouse or something somewhere if perhaps you've put poison down - doesn't bear thinking about - yeuchhh. Hope yours were only transitory!

  3. The little tree looks spooky just laying there, LOL.

    Hugs - Karen

  4. I was just looking at the sunbonnet Sue's on Eileen's blog. You should share the sunbonnet cats from your cat book. I want to say it is the Cat's Meow. The cats are adorable!

  5. As usual, I am far behind in blog reading, so I didn't get to comment on all the delicious food that you've been whipping up! I think the flies have been smelling all that deliciousness coming from your house and had to partake in some! This time of year, we have bugs of all kinds in our house, but that's becuase it's getting colder at night here, not because of any yummy cooking! LOL!
    Love the black tree - can't wait to see it finished! You have such good ideas, Kim!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!