Monday, July 14, 2008

Warning: Boring Blogger Ahead

Just so you know right up front, I'm pretty boring today. In order to avoid some of the carpet-laying mess, I got up really early, got to work really, really early, and came home early. Then I took a nap. I ate dinner. I looked at a pile of old quilt magazines. Boring stuff, huh? My house cleaning exploits are more fascinating, I bet!

So, having nothing much to talk about today, I thought I'd show you one of my refurbished thrift finds. I'm pretty pleased with this one. I've had a photo of this over in my side bar for a few days now.

I found this little shelf at the Goodwill store for a few dollars the day I went to that new quilt shop a couple weeks back. When I found it, it had a TON of little cup hooks screwed to the bottoms of the two shelves--I can only think they were for keys or something of that sort because they were much too close together to hold cups. I removed those, spackled in the holes and added a couple layers of slightly different shades of off white paint using both a dry brush and wet brush technique. When I bought it, it was more shabby than chic; I wanted to retain the shabby look but spruce it up a bit. I think it turned out pretty good. Here's a photo of it hanging over my stove, all dressed up:

Gosh, that reminds me! It's been several days since I've been to the thrift store--I think I'll need to make a trip soon. Especially since I have a large black plastic bag full of stuff to donate that I cleaned out of my cupboards and closets! I call it recycling. Thanks for checking in on me!


  1. Hey Kim.....those black plastic bags aren't the boy child's belongings are they??? I love that little looks great over the stove!

  2. What a cute little shelf! I went to my thrift store last week and found 2 spoons. Not nearly the good stuff that you find. Oh, I also found a little plastic bag of army men for Ethan to play with. :)

  3. I need to go with you to the thrift shop as I never find the bargains that you come up with. I think I need the "experienced eye" to help me spot treasures in the rough. Great job on the shelf!

  4. I just love how it turned out! I haven't been to a thrift shop in 10 years. Seeing all your wonderful finds is making me itch to thrifting!

  5. Yes, Kim that shelf looks great over the stove as does the trims you put around. I can see them all filled with grease some day.OOPs you aren't suppose to be eating that kind of stuff.

    Great thrifting.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!