Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Want My Leftovers?!

First of all, I want to wish my good friend Eileen over at My Quilting Porch a very happy birthday! I hope you're having a wonderful day, Eileen!

I'm posting early today because I wanted to tell you a little bit about Nancy's swap--sign-ups end tomorrow, so if you're interested, pop right on over there--HERE. Nancy's hostessing a scrap swap. You can see what she has to say, but basically you fill a shoebox full of your old scraps and send them off. Of course, you get a shoebox of someone else's scraps in return. It's a great way to "get rid" of fabrics you know you won't want to put into another quilt and/or expand your selection of scrappy goodness! In fact, if you're interested in making my scrappy star quilt, this might be a nice way to get some extra variety in your scraps!

Here's my stack all waiting to be packaged up--problem is, I don't seem to have a shoebox! I'll have to see what I can rummage up that's about the right size, although I have to tell you, I think I have more scraps here than would fit in a regular shoebox.

I was feeling a bit under the weather today--just cramps and related symptoms from which I'm sure I'll recover in a day or so. Anyway, I decided to stay home today and take it easy. Which you might think would make for another really boring blog post, but I actually enjoyed my day for the most part. After all, who doesn't like a day that includes time for a nice nap and some quality relaxation?!

This morning, I got a good way toward being caught up on my blog reading--which is how I came across Nancy's swap. I'm glad I did, too! I've looked in to see what many of you have been up to, and I've seen some inspirational quilt projects and read several stories about your summer vacations.

I finished looking through my old magazines and I have a big pile to take to the office tomorrow to share with the other two quilters I work with.

I finished the book I was reading and started another.

And, most ambitious of all, I sorted out my scrap drawers! I have two scrap drawers--Thimbleberries and non-Thimbleberries. I'm making a mini quilt for a swap with my online Thimbleberries group, so it seemed like a good time to organize that basket again. A few years ago, Hubby--for reasons still unclear to me--offered to sort the bin into colors. I didn't think it would be helpful at the time, but I agreed--after all, it was one way to keep him occupied and not bothering me! But truly it was a huge help! Over time, the color system fell to the wayside, but I resurrected it today.

First of all, I sorted all the fabric into color piles and threw out the scraps that were really too small to be easily useable--you know those 2" squares you save from a project but likely never use again? I hate throwing them out, but--really!--it's not like I don't have plenty more where those came from! So here's my nicely sorted bin when I finished:

Then there's the other bin that I also sorted a bit, but I didn't arrange these by color. I just tossed out the pieces that were too small and pulled out some of the fabrics I wanted to swap. Maybe I'll have to put Hubby to work on this one. At least it was fun seeing what's there though! And I found a yummy scrap of fabric that really needs to be made into something. Sometimes just sorting scraps can be inspiring!

And, because it was a pretty nice day out, I took a little stroll out back to check on the pumpkins--

and tomatoes--

The other day, I counted four or five pumpkins out there, but Hubby said there are more small ones starting. I wish I had more time and energy for a vegetable garden--not to mention a nice flower cutting garden!--but I'd have to find something to give up to make the time, and I'm just not willing to do that. So, for the time being, easy maintenance pumpkins and tomatoes do the trick for me!

After the insanely cleaning-compulsive weekend I had, it's been nice to just relax today and smell the pumpkins. Thanks for looking in on me!


  1. Yep, I have a hard time balancing my gardens/my quilts/my work/my house chores/my kids..... somethings gotta give!

    Love the idea of a scrap swap!

  2. All that organizing is making my head spin Kim!
    I had a friend who would organize and fold all my scraps for me while we talked. That was fun and my stuff always looked so neat when she left, until I began my next project!
    I have the summer funk right now also, no news and no excitement. Nothing to write home or anywhere else about. I mean the highlight of my day was stopping by Dairy Queen after the post office to buy some Dilly Bars!
    Your new quilts are wonderful Kim. And by the way, I have tons of scraps, but I really need to weed out my wool felt scraps. It is mostly National Nonwovens wool felt, a wool blend, not 100% wool. So if anyone loves to work with woolfelt, have them give me a shout and I would be happy to ship a box to them.
    Feel better soon!

  3. Sounds like all quilters struggle with the same issues. Do I do housework, do I quilt, when do I spend time doing yard work? I often feel like I have to find more balance in my life.

  4. OMG - that is the PERFECT day! Throw in some chocolate and maybe a wee bit of vino and maybe you're actually sporting wings in Heaven!
    Housework? Hmmm... I have a coffee cup that says "I only have a kitchen because it came with the house." 'Nuff said!

  5. You needed a nice relaxing day!

    Thanks for the tip in on the scrap swap. I went right over and signed up!

  6. Sounds like a productive day home. Now back to work for 3 days.
    Thanks for the BD wishes. Today is MY day.

  7. I've tried, but I just can't do scraps. I've taken a deep breath, repeated "Know what you Are and know what you're Not" and started throwing them away. Unless it's a chunk big enough for a decent-sized applique, that's the one exception. Otherwise, it's the circular file.

    Geez, I really need to get back to sewing. I miss it!

  8. HEY-- I would trade scraps...but only TB--I have plenty of scraps and I sure dont need more but can never have enough TB! hehehe ENJOY the rest of your day--that is exactly what I would do--ps--hubby does 90 % of the gardening and I clean house when I feel like it--I was in the middle, friend calls, walks over and that is that--I am done for the day--I simply dont wanna clean more--I am in my sewing room now--playing! LOL

  9. Hi Kim,
    I have a friend here who sometimes comes and looks through my scraps- she makes wonderful scrap quilts and that is her favorite way of quilting. It is fun to go through your scraps and organize them- you get reminded of the quilts you have already made and sometimes it inspires one to make other quilts.
    I hope you are feeling better and have enjoyed your day with the fabrics and the pumpkins.
    My father is a wonderful gardener but unfortunately I did not inherit his green thumb- I have to create my gardens with my flower quilts.
    Enjoy the rest of the day..

  10. OMG I love those baby pumpkins. Way cool!!


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