Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just Another Average Day

So, I jumped out of bed this morning and, as usual, I did a few stretching exercises. Maybe it's my upcoming birthday and the thought of getting another year older. Whatever the reason, though, I got a little carried away. I guess I felt I had something to prove to myself.

Or maybe I just didn't warm up enough first; I don't know. In any event, my back froze and I couldn't get out of this position. Really, ladies, no matter what your husband or significant other may say to persuade you--and I'm sure we're all familiar with the line, "C'mon honey, it will be fun!"--I really don't recommend you try this. For one thing, it tends to startle the cat!

There are a few benefits though. When I stopped at Starbucks for a latte on my way to work, the barista was so amazed, he forgot to charge me!

Of course, it was a little hard to drink. Thank goodness I just happened to have a bendable straw under the seat of my car! On the down side, it made driving a little hard. And that's particularly a concern here in California where our traffic laws are rather strict. Did you hear that as of July 1st, if we're going to use a cell phone while driving, it must be hands-free? That's fine though--I needed my hands to operate the gas and brake pedals anyway.

Working was also a little tough, but I DID get the opportunity to really get down and see that brand new carpet at the office up close and personal.

Still, I was glad when the day was over!

Does anyone know a good chiropractor? I'm not too sure about this guy I found.

(Editor's Disclaimer: Before you start worrying about me, I'm fine. As is my normal practice, when my alarm went off this morning, I opened one eye, slapped the heck out of the snooze button, and slept right though any exercise time I may otherwise have had. I wouldn't mind a good massage though; particularly by oh, say George Clooney maybe? And let me just mention while I'm thinking about it, if you're wondering what to get me for my birthday, there's an idea!)


  1. Oh and nothing less than George for your birthday? How bad exactly was that new-carpet-glue smell and how much time did you spent in that office of yours??

    (I bet you've had as much fun writing as I had reading..!)

  2. You are mad and I mean that in the nicest possible way - lol ! What a hilarious post. If George does turn up for that massage send him ona little detour to me - :-)

  3. girl you cracked me up and its only 6am :) thanks for starting my day smiling :) xoxo melzie

  4. So funny - glad to hear your back is as in good a shape as your funny bone. Thanks for the chuckle with my morning coffee.

  5. OMG you have done it again...made me spew coffee all over my screen. Just when I thought it was safe to drink coffee and read Kim's Big are too funny.

  6. Great post - felt good to smile this early in the morning....Have fun today...Don't lose that sense of humor...

  7. You are a hoot! That was a funny :o) Love the cat pic..:o)

  8. This is my Kim, when she hasn't done anything in her sweat shop to show us she goes looking for fun things. I'm a little late reading so didn't spill my coffee. LOL

  9. I laughed so hard my Diet Coke went up my nose backwards. You crack me up Kim!

  10. Okay, you did me in! After picking myself up off the floor from laughing, I realized you made my day! What fun! Thank you.

  11. You'd think those Starbucks guys would have seen it all by now. I sure hope you'll get a chance to"unwind" later on and if I knew Mr. Clooney's # I would call him right up.

  12. Ah, my favorite nut case! Listen, I have been off the blogging wagon for so long that I am way behind in reading and wonder if you could just do a condesed version of your last couple of weeks just for me? And, if the chiro is any relation to the guys who wrote the scary stories be careful not to accept any nice red apples from him. :)

  13. thank you ! It's been one of those weeks so I've enjoyed my laugh!!

  14. Girl you are a hoot - thanks for the chuckle and I'm glad you OK.


  15. What a crack up you are!!! I have great intentions of going thru a nice yoga routine every morning...oh I do go thru it my head.....and know that I would feel so much better for it....but crank myself out of bed and up the stairs to the bathroom and that is my stretching for the morning...we all know what is good for us...but actually doing it??? made me laugh...and it is great to laugh...!

  16. Now, look much caffeine have you had today? Hehehe! I loved this post so much!!


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