Sunday, July 13, 2008

Losing my Mind?

Last night I started in on the kitchen and couldn't find some wooden plate stands I thought I had put away somewhere. I remembered putting them in a place that would make total sense the next time I looked for them. But could I find them? Nope! I finally gave up. This morning, not too surprisingly, I woke up feeling a need to do some organizing around the house.

Well, one thing led to another, and then another, and before I knew it, I had spent the whole day cleaning and organizing again. Where did my weekend go? What happened to my time to relax?!

I never really did find the pile of wooden plate stands, although I gathered some from here, there, and everywhere, but I still think I'm missing a few. Hummm. I guess that will be a project for another day, because this one's quickly coming to an end.

Between all the cleaning and organizing, I did a little bit of cooking. I'm not sure what you'd call this pie, but I was trying to use up a bunch of leftover stuff--a graham cracker crust, a package of cream cheese, a bottle of Kahlua . . . . Well, maybe not the WHOLE bottle, but there is a healthy bit in there! Some marshmallows, a package of chocolate pudding. Anyway, I threw together a base layer of cream cheese, Kahlua, instant coffee granules, and some sugar; then I made a top layer of chocolate pudding and marshmallows. It turned out pretty good! I don't have a recipe other than what I just mentioned but it was simple enough.

After dinner, I finally got back into the Sweat Shop--which, by the way, needs some organizing too, but that will also have to wait for another day. I did manage to finish the blue, white, and yellow table topper I made from the Hat Trick Schnibbles pattern.

And one last look at the table topper with the blue and white plates in the hutch in the background.

Sorry the photos aren't great, but it's night and there's no natural light.

Thank you all for the compliments on the scrappy star quilt I pinned yesterday. For those of you who asked, I don't think I had a pattern for the quilt. It seems to me that something inspired the idea but I can't remember what that was. Still, it's just made with a pretty traditional star block and sashing. I think I'll post a tutorial on it in the next week or two since so many of you were interested. Be warned, though, that since it's scrappy, I won't be able to give you fabric requirements, but I'll show you the steps and give you the measurements.

Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. The blocks were from Kairle's Mystery quilt in 2006 Kim. She gave us the block directions and were were to come up with our own setting ideas.

    Remember my quilt?

    I remember you mentioning at the time that you were going to add stars to your sashing.


  2. nice pics of the blue/yellow quilt and the hutch 'n all.....I bought some blue and white plates from the second hand shop here a while ago - I have them out in the hutch at the moment but nearly time for a changing stuff around....!

  3. Patty's got a good memory, wonder what I did with those blocks.? Probably a top rolled up waiting to be quilted.

  4. A very nice table topper and hope you actually took time to sit and have a cup of tea after a day of organizing. I plan to tackle a guest room closet this week so I will have a place to put my quilts.

  5. The table topper and the dishes look so nice. You give me ideas, because I have some of those blue plates that I sometimes put on my hutch. I think what makes the topper is the border. It was perfect. Enjoy you hard work.

    Linda Z

  6. That is a really nice blue and white setting. I love it.

  7. I would love to have the directions for making that Thimbleberries star quilt!!
    You are such an incredibly busy woman, you get so much cleaning and quilting done. You are amazing! Must be all that Starbucks! ROFLOL

  8. I love your Schnibbles blue and yellow quilt! Do you know what line of fabric the scalloped border is from? I think I have seen that somewhere before. I love what Julia had to say, "It must be the Starbucks!" Nancy in WI

  9. your Shnibbles quilt is beautiful! and the dessert looks very very tasty

  10. Hope there's a piece and a coffee on for me lol!
    well done on the organizing and cleaning, that's what i am doing now-well between computer catch ups!
    Love the hollyhocks and all the other gorgeous work you have been doing, Tracey

  11. Hi Kim,
    The Stars quilt is really wonderful- you did a great job on it! I will be interested to see a tutorial on the quilt.
    The blue one looks great with the plates- you do such wonderful things with the decorating.



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!