Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

For those of you planning to celebrate this 4th of July, please DON'T FORGET THIS important word of warning!

Have a wonderful holiday!


  1. That quilt looks great....a couple of nice plates with stars on the border would look nice displayed somewhere you have any??? LOL

  2. Thanks for the warning. So where should I wear the stars?

  3. oh your July 4 wallhanging is a DOORbell!!!! have a good one! lucky you that they spray for mosquitoes for you!!! arrrrrrrr

  4. Only you would think to put glow in the dark stars on your nipples!!!

    The quilt is gorgeous.

    Happy Fourth!

  5. Ok, NOW you tell me.....I could have used this bit of wisdom last night............

  6. Have a great 4th! No questions, today! ;)

  7. ROFL - is that from personal experience??!!! :-) Your quilt looks wonderful. I did order the center, but it will have to wait till next year. Thanks for the great laugh and happy 4th.

  8. You are toooooo much!!! And who is that Cheryl is standing with up there?? OMG!!! Has she found a new lover??? ROFLOL!!
    Love your wallhanging as you well know. The new schnibbles pattern is a great one. Gotta get!
    Happy 4th

  9. Ok, well, I am certainly glad I read your waring! Although it did cause me to change my evening plans, but I guess I will just have to get creative some other way!

  10. I just found your blog and I love your sense of humor and this 4th of July quilt is just great! Is it a commercial pattern or your own creation?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!