Friday, July 4, 2008

And Then We Ate . . .

How was your 4th of July? Ours was fairly low-key.

Of course, it's important to start the 4th of July with a cup of coffee. In a red and white cup.

I spent part of the day in the Sweat Shop, although I don't have anything to show you for my efforts. I have a quite-large quilt top that I've been wanting to quilt, so I got the backing sewn and the batting cut.

And then I cooked. And cooked. And cooked some more. Because it's not the 4th of July unless you have a summertime feast, right?!

I made potato salad. BBQ'd chicken. Garlic bread. Baked beans. Corn on the cob. And we stuffed ourselves silly, me, Hubby, and the Boy Child. I told them to be careful they didn't eat too much--because I'm not cooking again for a long time, so this food's going to have to last us!

After dinner, I set up two tables on the patio and pinned the quilt. And battled mosquitos. I think Greenmare sent them to me. She seems like the type of generous person who would share!

And then we ate some more. The piece de resistance:

Blueberry cobbler with ice cream. Oh, and flags too! And not just ANY blueberry cobbler--the recipe I used is called Very Best Blueberry Cobbler, and boy is it! It's sweet but not too sweet, and the taste of the blueberries really comes through. Yum!

The kids were a little disappointed though. It's funny how kids remember things from childhood. Both the Boy Child and the Wild Child asked if I had made homemade ice cream--nope, that's one thing I didn't make. There were probably three years when they were kids that we had a big 4th of July party complete with homemade ice cream, and they remember those holidays like they happened each and every year of their youth. I'm glad though--we all need fun and happy memories!

We didn't watch the fireworks, but we could hear them! The two cats and the dog were a little freaked out. The dog kept pacing and the goofy younger cat seemed to want to go outside and watch--she was really wound up! The older cat acted like it was no big deal because--well, because she's a CAT and most of them are pretty good at acting that way. But she was nervous--we could tell. Here are our fireworks:

The mums in this bouquet of flowers on the coffee table look just like exploding fireworks, don't they? I hope you had a wonderful day!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great holiday.
    Love the patrioitic quilt.

  2. That blueberry cobbler does look good, I'll have to give it a try. Sounds like you had a really nice 4th of July.

  3. Boy, what a feast along with flowers and flags. Great way to celebrate.

  4. Wonderful day! Gee - sewing, kids, Hubby, cooking -- maybe it's a sign of the time but that is a perfect day to me! Ours was much the same.....
    no I gotta go try that cobbler recipe, it looks fabo!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful day....yummy looking cobbler. :)

  6. Yummy treats and beautiful flowers along with family... that is the best day of all!

  7. ...gotta love kids.....with the feast that you cooked up complete with blueberry cobbler...and "where is the home made icecream"???? LOL....sounds like you had a fabulous day....I am hoping to spend some time in the sewing room today....haven't been in there all weekend...starting to suffer withdrawal!

  8. thanks for the recipe!


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