Saturday, July 5, 2008

Saturday Adventures

Tonight I think my arms just might fall off of my shoulders from quilting! I've been holed up much of the day in the Sweat Shop, working on quilting the quilt I pinned yesterday, but I still have nothing to show you, so I'll tell you about the rest of my day.

I took a nap. Pretty exciting stuff, huh? For some reason--and I'm thinking maybe it's menopause--I can't seem to sleep more than six hours at night. Then I get tired in the afternoon, so on the weekends, occasionally I'll need a nap. And boy do I sleep good then!

Besides the nap, Hubby and I went out to run an errand around midday, which accomplished nothing and turned out to be a waste of time. While we were out, though, he mentioned he wanted to go to the thrift store and buy a golf club for one of his garden creations. Did I want to go? Well, you betcha!

We found his golf club and a couple of clay pots for him, and I found a blue and white splatter/sponge platter, a yellow and white Battenberg lace tabletopper, and this painting:

Hubby seemed to think I was a little crazy buying the painting, but I thought it was neat, and it's an original--it looks like acrylic to me but I suppose it could be oil. Neither of us particularly likes the gold frame which is a little ornate for our decorating style, but the painting has a certain charm. I told the guy at Goodwill who was ringing up the sale that I expected to take the painting on Antiques Roadshow and find out that it's worth millions. He just kind of looked at me--I don't think he knew if I was joking!

So, anyway, after we got home and after my nap, I decided to check the internet to see if I could find out anything about the artist, J. Bardot. I didn't find anything about the person, but I did find another painting listed on an antiques/collectibles website. Here's a photo from the website--sorry it's so small, but you can click on the link and see a larger photo and another view or two:

This painting is approximately 2' x 3'; mine is smaller; more like 12" x 8". This painting is listed for sale at $4,500. Mine was $5.99. Not a bad buy, huh?! I guess I won't be able to sell it and retire any time soon, but I think this kind of thrift store investing sure beats the interest rate you get on savings accounts!

Thanks for stopping by to visit! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


  1. A nap sounds picture.

  2. nice picture...who knows you may have a fortune in thrift buys in your house....! Stranger things have happened.....! Now about the nap thing....I think it is definitely to do with menopause...which btw I am not doing because I don't want to...LOL....nice try....anyhoo....I go thru stages where I just cannot sleep and then stages where I could sleep on a barbed wire last stitching - not even any bitching..LOL...out to it!! which was really annoying because I had some things I wanted to finish! Never mind....went to bed early up early.....and have been in my sewing room most of the day....went for a walk...not a bad Sunday....back to work tomorrow...I need to ..... have bought a few things on ebay....a couple more honey pots which are cute and at a good price.....not bidding on anything else now...have to save for my quiltfest in a couple of weeks...have a great week!

  3. I say you should put it on eBay and see what you can get for it. Who knows? You should definately see if you can find out it's value first though so you can get what it's worth! Cool find!!

  4. It sounds like your 4th was similar to ours. Laid back with lots of food! We also miss the good old picnics, times when we were all together. It sure does look like you had some thrifting fun though and actually I like your picture frame. It is quite ornate and suits the picture well. Can't wait to see your sewing project you've been working on!

  5. I just found a J. Bardot painting in a thrift store yesterday, too! I didn't buy it, but noted the name to search for on the web when I got home. When I saw the listing for the $4500 dollar one that you referenced, I nearly fell over. However, I wonder if this is even close to what it's worth? I found another listed on eBay for $4200 (ended yesterday), but it sounded like the guy didn't know anything about it either. He probably based his price off that same website you and I saw. That one was in Illinois, yours is in California, and mine is in Oklahoma. Interesting. I wonder where the $4500 one is. I'll probably go back and buy it....but they want $80 for the one at my thrift store! Wish mine was $5.99 too!!! I'd feel a lot better about purchasing it not knowing if it's even worth $80! Well, if you found out anything else, would you mind sending me a message to my myspace? Thanks!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!