Thursday, April 10, 2008

Book Report

I've just finished reading a very good book, and a few other books have made their way through the mail to my house in the last week or so, so I thought it was a good time to talk a little bit about books.

Although I don't talk about books very often, they are an integral part of my life. I'm pretty sure I'd never be able to get to sleep at night without one. I usually don't enjoy reading anything very serious but I do greatly enjoy a decently written piece of entertaining fiction.

If you enjoy a good psychological suspense novel, particularly of the British genre, and haven't read anything by Minette Walters, do yourself a favor and pick one up. My favorites have been her early books, but they are all good. I just finished reading The Devil's Feather and I highly recommend it.

At my last Jo's Little Women Club meeting, one of our members brought a cat quilt for show and tell. Although I like cats a lot, I've never had any great desire to make a cat quilt until I saw hers, so I went home after the meeting and got on the computer and ordered this book--

Here's a photo from the book of the quilt I would like to make one of these days. Maybe it's because the cats look a little like Spike, but I really thought this was a fun quilt!

Then, a couple more arrived in today's mail. A book by Marcia Muller, another favorite author (you can barely see it lurking in the background here--sorry), and the newest Elm Creek Quilters book by Jennifer Chiaverini. I'm sure I'll be reading the Elm Creek book soon.

Finally, I recently received the book They Named Me Marjorie. This is the orphan train book that Finn's talked about on her blog. I know a little bit about the orphan trains but I'm anxious to learn more about this part of American history. I'll be starting this book tonight and I'll write more about it later and see if any of you would like me to send it on to you.

Happy reading--and quilting!


  1. Mistress of the Art of Death - a must read!

  2. Your book report is awesome! I love mysteries - my favorite reads. Have you ever read the Richard Jury novels by Martha Grimes? How I love those! I would be most interested to read about the orphan trains, too - you'll have to tell me how you like the book. The kitty quilt book is so cute! I'm looking forward to seeing a catty quilt now! Oh, I did like the "These is My Words" book, too. Fascinating read.

  3. Can you please tell me where you got the Orphan Train book (They Named me Marjorie). I spent my whole lunch hour looking around in our local libraries and on-line and can't find this book. Sounds very interesting. Thanks!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!