Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh, and by the Way . . .

I think I used up all my deep and insightful thoughts on yesterday's blog post and there's not another one rattling around in my brain right now, so today's post is mostly just a little fluff and catch up.

You may need your sunglasses again. Remember Montezuma's Hangover (aka the Bad Cherry Tequila quilt top) from a couple days ago? Did you happen to notice the stars in the hourglass block sections? One of my blogless internet friends, Synthia, emailed me to mention she had noticed four of them, so I thought I'd mention it. It's kind of like Where's Waldo. Can you find the six stars? Yes, I even amuse myself when I make bad quilts!

Seriously, though, thank you all for your support. Frankly, I'm kind of surprised by all the nice things you said. One of these days, I'll finish it. And if I still don't like it, maybe I'll have another giveaway on the blog!

Okay, now cats. Or my goofy young one Spike to be specific--the one who wanted her own bed and still seems happy to have it. Sometimes I'd like to kill her. Like when she opens the kitchen drawer where we keep the dish towels and digs them all out onto the floor so she can climb in. Several times a day. I thought I'd take a photo of her tonight--this, I think, was about the fourth time this evening.

What goes on in those little cat brains? She also likes to open all the cupboards. She must have the strongest paw muscles of any cat I know. If we could only harness all that energy into doing some kind of housework I'd be a happy cat mom.

But here's why I let her live: She makes me laugh. This is one of her favorite poses:

There she is, laying on the floor in front of the television because she knows hubby and I are both looking in that direction, and she's hoping that if she's cute enough, we might abandon the evening's television program and pick up that feathered stick she's laying on top of and play with her. And if she doesn't think we're noticing her, first she'll stare at me for awhile--

Then she'll stare at hubby for awhile.

She's so obvious, isn't she? Hussy! Tramp!


  1. Spike? I'd like to know how 'she' got her name! Funny, little kitty...she's got personality for sure!

  2. My cat used to like drawers too. Except one time, we thought he had gotten out because he was missing for 3 or 4 days. It seemed like forever because he is strictly a housecat. Well, one morning while getting ready for work, I told my husband, "I think I hear Jazzy!" He said, "I know you really miss him but he is not here." I heard it again and thought he must be right, because it was very faint. Finally I said, "Al, I know I hear Jazzy." So we both started calling him and we finally found him in one of our vanity drawers, just big enough for him to fit in. How he got all that vaseline all over the place is beyond me but we were thrilled to see him. He doesn't do that quite so much anymore now that he knows the drawers will close shut! Thanks for the laugh about cats.
    Jazzy's mama

  3. What cute pictures of Spike. You're turning into a pretty good photograher. I'll have to go check out those stars. I'm sure you would have set them that way on purpose. LOL

  4. Spike is purrfect! All of my cats love to open doors! Maybe we could have a paw wrestling tournament with the cats!! And you also forgot trollop and strumpet!!


  5. She is adorable! I couldn't resist that sweet, furry face :o)

  6. I think it's time to find a new home for the towels and relenquish the drawer to it's rightful owner. And we all know that's the cat.

    Mine does the "I'll be cute, roll around on my back, and they can't resist me" pose as well. Pretty funny.

  7. How can you resist such

  8. OMG our big boy cat does that same pose!! we call it his "sock it to me" pose! You may as well give up with the drawer, you can NEVER win against a cat! It's because they are smart, smarter than dogs. You would never convince 8 cats to pull a sled across the snow. I rest my case.

  9. Hi Kim,
    Spike is one clever kitty- she knows how to get your attention- We have an orange tabby named Mars who loves to flush the toilet - we wish she was smart enough to use it before she flushed - just think of the money we could save on kitty litter..
    She also likes to lay like your Spike- she is sure that the belly rub fairy will come and pat her tummy...
    Pets sure do make life interesting...


  10. a real cutie pie!! I can see why she gets her way, who could resist her! Nice photos :-)!

  11. The only give away for your Montezuma's Hangover is to ME!! I would love it and give it a wonderful, wonderful home!! Yes I would! I'm done now....
    What a sweet kitty - I love the photos! Life would be so very dull without our animals, wouldn't it?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!