Friday, April 11, 2008

The Weekend Has Arrived!

It's Friday night, and the weekend is here! Not only that, but I've finished the nine cherry blocks I've been working on:

Well, sort of. A package was waiting for me when I came home from work, and it contained the additional perle cotton I had ordered as well as some Valdani thread, so now I'm ready to start over again on the cherry blocks, making the stems a double line of stitching.

Well, sort of. Actually, I'm getting a little weary of all the hand work and I'm itching to do a little piecing. Besides that, over a year ago, I was diagnosed with SASD. So maybe the cherries will have to take a little rest over the weekend while I play with something else. Here's my Basket of Joy:

Can you spot the Mary Engelbreit fabric? That's a possibility. So is the Blackbird Jubilee fabric. (Which is hiding in Basket of Joy 2, and which you can't see. Neither can I. I need to recover from the Tequila Hangover before I look at it again!) Another possibility is an idea for a patriotic quilt project that's been in my little brain for the last few months.

It was such a beautiful day here in Northern California and I was feeling SO GOOD about it being Friday, that I thought maybe I should make a trip to the quilt shop at lunch. Except, I told myself, I really didn't NEED anything from the quilt shop! So I talked myself into staying in for lunch. (Gotta wonder sometimes how I ever get any work done with all this talking to myself!) And that was all well and good, but then one of the other quilters in my office--who was feeling grumpy and in need of a little retail fabric therapy--emailed me to see if I wanted to go to the quilt shop at lunch. And, you know what? My willpower only goes so far before it snaps, shreds, and sputters out, so I said, "yeah, sure!" And off we went.

I found a couple black and white fabrics--I NEED some black and white fabrics for the cherry quilt. In fact, here's a photo of today's black and white fabrics together with a couple other fabrics that may find their way into the cherry quilt.

I also "found" this Australian quilting magazine at the quilt shop. I remembered I wanted to check the Australian quilting magazines for something, but I couldn't remember what, so I just bought it--I figured I'd remember later.

When I was flipping through the pages, I came across this quilt, which looked awfully familiar. "Gee," I thought, "That looks like Tazzie's quilt." So I looked at the name of the designer--nope, someone named "Tara." I flipped on, but I had to come back to it because it was really bugging me. Well, sure enough, there at the end of the pattern was Tazzie's blog or email address or something--SOMETHING that told me "yes, your mind isn't a totally shriveled raisin." And isn't it funny? It seems like I've "known" Tazzie forever--at one time, she belonged to my online Thimbleberries Yahoo group long before blogging came along, I've been reading her blog for a long time, and over the last year or so, we've occasionally emailed back and forth. Tara? Who knew? Probably everyone but me, I'm sure! I love this quilt of hers--simple but really effective in its controlled scrappiness. Lovely!

So, the weekend's here and I have plenty of fun stuff I'd like to do. I hope you do too!


  1. So this will bring a comment from Tazzie.
    What ARE you going to do this weekend? Luscious looking thread.

  2. Is that a bit tike QADD that I saw somehwere this week? Quilter's attention deficit disorder? I will have to check the link wont i!!?
    The box to play in looks fun, that's where i would be.
    Are you inteested in a few more Oz mags or had your fill? I am about to have a clean out, may have to be by sea or i would have to take out a postage loan, but I am sure you have some patience! Tracey

  3. I love that magazine. Subscribed for years. That basket of goodies looks wonderful. Good thing you're not trying to stash bust, huh? LOL. It's okay. I did the same thing this week.

  4. Hi Kim, Hoping you will find a minute to let me know the status of the They Named Me Marjorie book so I can let Carol E. know. I left a comment last week, as I found no email addy for you, maybe you didn't see it.
    Carol just wants to know where the book is at...thanks. Finn

  5. That disorder describes me to a tee! I have pretty many unfinished items and many more starting.

  6. Hi.. got your message. The book (Marjorie) can keep traveling if someone else wants to read it. I just want to get it back eventually. Thanks for letting me know where it is, though.

  7. I've been quilting under cover,and you've found me! Tazzie is a nickname I've had ever since high school, and it's so funny, because like you, there are many people who don't know me by any other name.

    I'm so pleased you like the quilt, but I have to mention one thing - if you or any of your friends plan to make it, please go to the AP&Q website, they made an error with one of the cutting directions and they have the correct info there. Kind of disappointing really ... but these things happen.

    Love your post about SASD - I'm sure there are more sufferers than we know ...


  8. Looks like you had enough to do this week-end. I spotted a lot of nice things in that basket!
    Your cherry-quilt is very promising! Can't wait to see more!

  9. Did you say Tequila hangover?? ROFLOL!!!!!!!!! Your toooo much. I love that quilt with the stars.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!