Saturday, March 29, 2008

Another Day, a Few Less Dollars

Did you catch where I said in my last post that I had plans for today? Well, as much as I would have loved to schlep around the house in my jammies all day and do a little quilting, hubby was getting tired of the standard weekend routine and wanted to get out of the house. He didn't care what we did, just so long as we did SOMETHING. Yes, he would even have been quite happy if I had dragged him back to the quilting and craft festival, but I know I wouldn't have been--he'd probably just follow me around, asking constantly why I needed to buy this or that and "don't you already have something just like that?" Nope, not my idea of a good time! Instead, we hit the road, stopped at the ATM, stopped at Starbucks, and ended up at Denio's flea market and farmer's market in nearby Roseville.

The skies were gray and cloudy today but it wasn't too cold. This was near the back of the grounds and the crowds were sparse. We found a couple "treasures" but it seemed like most of the sellers are getting waaaaay too saavy about what us junk collectors are looking for. Not that their prices were way above reasonable, but there were very few bargains to be found. And that's probably a good thing for the state of my bank account! Still, it really was nice to get out for a bit, and hubby was right. But don't tell him I said so--he doesn't read my blog, so he'll never know I admitted it!

Look at ALL that fabric! We saw this booth on our way out. Of course, I don't think there was any quilting fabric in there, but I would have loved to have a reason to go through it all. By this time, though, we were laden down with a quarter flat of fresh strawberries, several bags of fresh veggies, and a couple bags of "treasures," and I was on a mission to get our "stuff" to the car and out of my arms as quickly as possible. Besides that, our tummies were starting to rumble with hunger.

Lately we've been going to Carmelita's in Fair Oaks for dinners out when we get a craving for good Mexican food, and Carmelita's has another restaurant right in Roseville, so that's where we ended up for a late lunch. Yum! And one of the best parts is that since we ate "lunch" at 3:30 p.m., there was no need to cook dinner tonight. Besides, we both have leftovers in case hunger strikes!

So here are my purchases for today. We found a small booth with a lot of magazine advertisements and illustrations. I found three I liked. Well, actually I found MORE than three, but I decided three was plenty so I narrowed my choices down, struck a deal with the seller, and walked away a happy camper!

One of my favorite year-round vendors is the used book seller located in a covered building not too far from the farmer's market. Hubby helped me pick out two books with Norman Rockwell illustrations--these will work great in arty projects or just put in frames.

I also like to look for community or regional cookbooks--you know the ones where a group or organization gathers recipes from all their members, compiles them into a book, and then sells the books as a fundraiser? I usually find they have the best recipes--nothing fancy but just simple and good food! I found two such cookbooks today. I haven't had a chance to look through them thoroughly yet, but I'm sure I'll be trying a few things out in the coming weeks.

All in all, it was a good day! I hope yours was too!


  1. I love flea markets. Our weather was sort of dreary here today too. And a bit on the cool side.

  2. I love Denio's although have not been there for several years. And Carmelita's too. Sounds like a good day!

  3. oh there isn't much better than a flea market, and you did pretty darn good! What IS it about digging throuh other peoples junk that is so much more satisfying than going to a "real" store?

  4. I love the same kind of cookbooks! Your right that they seem to have the best recipes in them! Looks like you had a fun day bargain shopping.

  5. What a fun day with great finds! Hooray for your hubby for suggesting you do "something"!

  6. Carmelitas - I'll try to remember that the next time I'm in Sacramento.


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