Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wasted Sunday

I don't much like being sick, but it's twice as bad when it happens on a weekend and cuts into my play time! I woke up this a.m. at 6:30 with stomach pains and shortly thereafter realized the day was not going to be improving a whole lot anytime soon. I don't know if it was a stomach bug or yesterday's meal out, but boy was I one sick puppy for several hours! My poor husband woke up because I was literally crying in the hallway trying to decide whether it was more important to get out to the kitchen for a glass of water or head the other way toward the bathroom.

The Wild Child was expected to arrive around 9:30 a.m., and we had planned a family dinner here. The chicken was marinading in the fridge and I was supposed to spend the morning making potato salad and dessert. Didn't happen. Instead, I spent most of the morning and into the afternoon alternating between sleeping and being ill. They ended up moving the dinner to my sister-in-law's house and left me in peace--by then, I was starting to feel like I just might live.

I spent part of the afternoon lying around reading, but I finally managed to get myself up, bathed, and dressed around late afternoon. Now, after a few hours in the Sweat Shop prepping some cherries for applique, I'm ready to call it a night. What a wimp! But I'm feeling better, and I hope to get a good night's sleep--after all, it's back to work again tomorrow. But I sure wish I could get my Sunday back!


  1. So sorry that you weren't feeling well, but really glad you are doing better!! Too bad it's back to work tomorrow.

  2. You'll feel better tomorrow once your back at work. LOL!! I'm sorry that you were sick though. You know, I had that same thing on Friday. It was out of no where and BAM!!! Then it was gone. I kept trying to think of what I could have eaten.
    Can't wait to see what you do with the cherries. I know it's gonna be cute.

  3. Murphys law that you were sick on a weekend! Glad you're feeling better. Can't wait to see the cherries....

  4. Hi Kim,
    That flu bug sure gets around because I have been down and out for most of the weekend too- like you, I could sure have lived without it- I do a bit and then I just have to rest - however I am on the mend and I am very glad to hear that you are too.
    This week is spring break from teaching my little ones so I have great plans for quilting - I better get moving hadn't I-
    I hope that you did get a visit in with your daughter and that you have no more bouts with this mean old bug!


  5. I'm so sorry you were sick. And missed dinner with the Wild Child. I, too, am dying to see what you do with the cherries!

  6. oh poor thing! but your cherries look like they are going to be FUN!

  7. Why is it our bodies decide to be naughty on a day off? It's SO unfair, isn't it? I'm glad you're feeling better, and I really like the start of the cherries. It's gonna be very cute!

  8. Poor girl! Hope you are doing better now. I know, when it happens on the weekend, it feels like we get "robbed" of a day. Not fair!


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