Friday, March 28, 2008

Guess Where I Went Today!

The Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival came to Sacramento, so I made a quick dash over there during my lunch hour! If only all lunch hours could be as exciting and stimulating, I'd be a happy, happy girl! Well, not that I'm not happy much of the time anyway, but I'm telling you, it was a much needed and welcome break from the daily grind. But I suppose I should be glad that not all lunch hours are quite so stimulating; otherwise, lunch hours would cost me more than I earn in a day's work!

To tell you the truth, I had heard that Bird Brain Designs had a booth and I really wanted to go see some of their cuteness in person. They had a wool needle felting table set up for teaching and experimentation, and I would have loved to hang around and try out the technique, but my time was limited. Still, I managed to do alright. Here's what they put in my bag--and on my credit card:

These red and white towels were whispering "cherries, cherries, cherries" to me. I have a couple ideas. And some nice quality muslin for some redwork as well as the Turkey Red perle cotton I'll need. And let's not forget the pattern for a couple really cute small wool purses!

I also bought two redwork patterns--but only one photographed half way decently. The other one came out looking tiny and blurred despite my best photographic attempts. So I've stolen a photo off their website--it's below this paragraph. If you'll go over there and buy something, maybe they won't sue me.

I guess they liked me, though, because they encouraged me to come back tomorrow. I have some other plans though. Besides, I'm sure it will be a madhouse over there on a Saturday!

After I left Bird Brain Designs and was racing past the rest of the vendor booths, I spied a rubber stamp/embossing/etc. booth, so I stopped in. I kinda needed to catch my breath from all that racing anyway. I love the Somerset crafting magazines and I saw they had some back issues on clearance at 30% off, so that was a "must buy." Then, and I don't know if you can really see them very well, but I found a small package of "gold" hearts and some "jewels" for embellishment and they're sitting on top of the magazine.

I love playing around with this stuff! Maybe not quite as much as quilting, but when my electricity is turned off because I can't pay the power bill because I've spent too much money at "festivals," then I can always fall back the old paper, scissors, paint, and glue. And don't forget the gold hearts and jewels. See, even if the economy's a little shaky, I'll be fine because I've thought it all through and I have a plan. It's kind of like a 401k retirement plan but different.

Oh, and speaking of money and the economy and all that nasty old stuff, you know what else? At the front gates of the venue where the festival was held, I ran into my neighbor, June, who just happened to have an extra VIP free admission ticket that she happily gave me. Kismet, yes?! A successful lunch hour, indeed!


  1. That sure doesn't look like quilting stuff. Where's the cherries?

  2. You did all that on your lunch hour? Wow! You were racing for sure! Love Bird Brains, and you snagged some lovely stuff!

  3. We had that craft show down here this month too, but I didn't get around to going, I always miss it. I have a few Bird Brain items in my collection, in fact, I am working on that same Four Seasons quilt there, I have two seasons done so far. I got mine at the Road to California, they do have a very nice selection of things in their booth.

  4. LOVE that Bird Brain pattern. I'll definitely keep an eye out for it. Sounds like you had a blast. Mom and I have often talked about going to that show when it's around but never have. You've inspired me. Next time for sure!

  5. Hmmmm --- as much as I don't care for Sac (or any big city) it might be worth it to be able to hop over to that show on a lunch hour!! How fun!

  6. Thanks Kim for telling us about this cute stuff. I went to Bird Brain Designs and ended up buying the wool bumble bee hive pin cushion kit.

    Carol L.

  7. A productive lunch hour, indeed! Wonderful goodies!

  8. great goods! now you won't get bored? Birdbrain always has one of the nicest booths!

  9. Your pretty good at lifting others photos aren't you?? LOL!!! I love your purchases. That little purse pattern is adorable. And the striped towels for cherries......toooo cute. Way to shop on a time limit. I call it power shopping.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful lunch hour to me! I do believe I bought from Bird Brain at the Road to California show a couple of years ago.

  11. The fun would probably wear off a bit if it wwere everyday...but not for a few years I wouldn't reckon!
    Some great bounty there, loved all the debi Hubbs info, good links.
    There is nothing like utilizing those wasted night hours for creating...just a pity it catches up the next day but I suppose that is where that extra shot comes in with the coffee. The Wild Child's box is going to be great-still happy with dog and man? Tracey

  12. What an awesome lunch hour! I love Bird Brain Designs, and I must get the patterns you bought - they're so cute!


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