Friday, February 1, 2008

A Cotton-Tale

The bunny soap continues! I heard a little story from Rabbit Stitchings today, who heard it through the grapevine (and I suspect the "grapevine" might be those cute new bunnies she brought into her home). Here's what she said:

"Ok I got the scoop thru the grapevine on the baby bunnies and the Egg, I mean chick to be...Mrs Harris was with child, I mean bunny, when she left Mr. Harris Bunny... and Andrew Bunny, well he has the egg from his previous relationship with Cora Chick... so you see they both will be bringing children, ah I mean bunnies and chicks, into the new relationship. Now this is what I heard anyway....."

Boy, that Andrew Bunny is a wild one, isn't he? I mean really!! A previous relationship with Cora CHICK?! Whew! Some kinky stuff going on there, let me tell you! And you know what I heard? Andrew Bunny is actually the BROTHER of Mr. Harris Bunny! Can you believe that? Apparently he knew Mrs. Harris long before Mr. Harris did, and they had quite the love affair. But one day she caught him chasing some flighty little cottontail and kicked him out! Now, though, Andrew has managed to steal her away from his brother. I wonder how long it will last? Or can this be true love? With Valentine's Day coming up, romance is certainly in the air . . . .

* * * * *

The weekend has finally arrived, and I had a very hard time concentrating on work today because I had visions of hearts dancing in my head. I have one quilt top nearly done and hope to get a photo posted tomorrow. Then, it's on to Valentine's Day hearts and charm packs . . . . Stay tuned!

Oh, and if you hear anything else on the relationship between Mrs. Harris Bunny, Mr. Harris Bunny, Andrew Bunny, or anyone else in that somewhat dysfunctional bunny family, let me know!


  1. Your blog is always such a joy to read!!!

  2. I am not in the loop of "bunny-chick love" gossip, but I certainly am intrigued. You could name it "The Young and Restless Hares and All Their Children, and the Days of Their Lives"......or some such!

  3. Do the bunnies participate in the Day of Beauty as well?

    You should stop by and check out my most recent blog post. Just sayin' ... :)

  4. Hi, Kim. I'm grateful to Nancy, Near Philadelphia for turning me on to your blog (yes, I do my best to keep the economy afloat, too). What fun you are to read! As a fella Easter collector I have really enjoyed watching your Easter pile grow.

    While reading down through the posts I noted your husband has a condition with vertigo and nausea. My husband has a condition called Meniere's disease with those symptoms. He's a Ph.D. in biology and has had an informational website about Meniere's for years. If this sounds like something you and yours would find useful, feel free to leave a comment on my blog ( and I'll direct you.

    In the meantime, shop on! Right now I'm stuck with two houses to sell before I can retire and desperately need the economy to improve! Thanks for caring!

  5. Hey girlfriend, I'm still alive and kicking. You just never know when I'll pop up! :D And by the way, that was MOI over here in NE Tennessee 'laughing hysterically' over you and your guilt complex for over-stimulating the failing economy...then having your alter 'frugal' ego emerge, heck, I thought you were talking about ME!!!! ROFL


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