Friday, February 1, 2008


I have it on good authority that Easter falls on March 23rd this year. Yikes! It's only 52 DAYS away! All I can say is that it's a good thing this is a leap year and February has an extra day!

Okay, that's not ALL I can say. I still have a few words left in me that are screaming to get out.

On my way home from work, I slowed down again for the Starbuck's drive thru--happily my husband got to enjoy his cinnamon dolce latte without sharing it with Marley. I think some of you were hoping Marley would get the latte again, but no luck. If you'd like to mail me a Starbuck's gift card, I'll make sure I buy him some in the future.

I do have a purchase to show you. And gosh darn it, but I'm starting to feel guilty about stimulating the economy a little too vigorously! My alter ego must be re-emerging, and now I'll go back to my more frugal ways. Who's that laughing hysterically? Stop it!

Anyway, Sharon's back in California, so I don't have to do all the work for the two of us anymore. Welcome back, Sharon! Go do some shopping so I don't have to.

Oh, yeah--my purchase:

Yes, Easter again. At least I'm getting ready, 'cause you know it's going to be here soon! Sorry the photo's kind of dark. Something you didn't know about me--I'm really a vampire and only come out at night; hence, the poorly lit photography. But I'm a nice vampire. Just a bad photographer. That vampire thing? Not really. But it seemed like a good excuse, and I have a 50 percent lie ratio to maintain per my husband. Anyway, the photos on the website (below) are much nicer if you want to see what they look like.

These lovely bunnies are from Canterbearies--this is the same place I ordered my Christmas elves from. In fact, I actually got Andrew Bunny back then too, but he's been awfully lonely so I HAD to get him some company! The line is Cottonbury, and these are actually containers--the tops of the bunnies come off and there's an open space to hold goodies. I think I'll hide some chocolate in there. Shhhhh! Don't tell my hubby! A girl's gotta keep some things secret!

Oh, and P.S. That's MRS. Harris Bunny. I left MR. Harris Bunny at Canterbearies. I heard Mr. Harris Bunny was drinking heavily and got abusive, so I rescued Mrs. Harris Bunny and brought her out to California to keep Andrew Bunny company. My bad! Now she's had babies, and who's the father? And why is Andrew Bunny carrying an egg around? Is he trying to tell Mrs. Harris Bunny something? Kind of like a bunny soap opera, don't you think?!


  1. Love your blog and Easter things. Sure does make me yearn for Spring. Your fabric purchases are just beautiful too. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  2. Kim - I feel your husband's pain! I love my cinnamon dolce latte too - (although I get a decaf, skinny latte).

    Love your new fabric - can't wait to see what a cute little quilt you will come up with.

    Eileen C

  3. OMG! Here are new buttons to I'm in big trouble...LOL!

  4. Bunny soaps whats know bunnies cannot control their populations. Before you know it you'll be overrun LOL.

  5. Ok I got the scoop thru the grapevine on the baby bunnies and the Egg, I mean chick to be...

    Mrs Harris was with child I mean bunny when she left Mr. Harris Bunny... and Andrew Bunny well he has the egg from his previous relationship with Cora Chick... so you see they both will be bringing children, ah I mean bunnies and chicks into the new realtionship. Now this is what I heard anyway.....

  6. Sure I'll send Marley a Starbucks gift card but not YOU!!! Shoot is that his name?? Marley??? Ok if not that four legged one in your house gets the card ok?
    I'm back in Ca and here to help you anyway I can. I'm here for ya. LOL!!! Missed you too.

  7. MARCH 23rd???? That's Ridiculous!!! We might as well scrap the bunnies and put the eggs out with the snowmen -- Easter Snowmen!!!

  8. I think your bunnies look adorable in the dark and on the website! I'm glad you rescued Mrs. Harris - looks like Andrew is trying to butter her up! Maybe to do the bunny hop?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!