Thursday, January 17, 2008

What Can I Tell You?

I just got home from a mind-numbingly boring dinner/seminar/thingamajig about updates and procedural changes in the courts of several surrounding counties. I swear my brain died about two and a half hours ago. I think it happened when I was trying to slice the toughest roast beef I've ever eaten with a butter knife. Or maybe it was when I was trying to gag that one piece back up--the one that I couldn't even really chew through well enough to get down. Maybe in my efforts to not be too obvious about the gagging, my brain was starved of oxygen for a couple seconds.

Or maybe it happened when one of our local court administrators was telling us about the new, improved document handling process they've adopted. Our county is one of the first three counties in the state to try this out. Basically, it's the first large step toward making court files available online--kind of like the big federal boys do. I think it may have been when she told us that getting a certain type of legal document filed and back--one that used to take a day--now takes three weeks or so under the new and improved system. Yeah, maybe that's when my brain died.

I was going to take my camera so I could show you photos of this annual event, but I realized it would look just about like every other dinner/seminar/thingamajig anyone's ever attended before, and if you've never attended one yourself . . . well, I want to be YOU!

I guess restaurants that prepare banquet food have gotten the message that we don't really want to eat overcooked veggies, because the veggies tonight were nice and crisp. Have you ever tried to cut a crisp, undercooked carrot with a butter knife? Those pointy carrot tips make deadly weapons when shot across the table, I'm telling you! And apparently the head "chef" there is one of those who believes a potato is a vegetable if our undercooked scalloped potatoes are anything to go by. Oh, yeah! We had some broccoli too--you know the weedy looking kind? It sort of looks like a bunch of skinny flower stems with little broccoli balls on the ends? I'm not sure how that was, because by the time I got around to it, my carpal tunnel was acting up and I was plumb tired out from trying to cut my vegetables.

At least they had rolls and cheesecake. Too bad, though, that it tasted like the flour they used to make the rolls was past its sell-by date. And whatever they used in the crust of the cheesecake tasted a little bit like rancid nuts. Maybe it was supposed to be some kind of flavored crust, but that's what it tasted like to me--rancid nut cheesecake. The salad was pretty good though, really! Comparatively speaking.

So, anyway, in this numbed mind/brain dead state, I don't really have anything to tell you tonight. I think I had something in mind earlier today, but it's gone now. Sorry! Maybe my brain will grow back by tomorrow.


  1. Gee, I hope so. Hate to have to read through another one of these. LOL

  2. I was feeling bad for you and then I read Eileen's post and that made me laugh!!!!! I was glad I had already swallowed my coffee. :)

  3. I work at a catering company. WE serve great food!:)
    Do hope your brain will recover during the night..I'll visit your blog again in a couple of days to see if you're allright!And if not: one CAN quilt with half a brain.

  4. Oh man. Yeah, that meeting sounds like a barrel of laughs. And don't you love it when folks decide they are going to be "more efficient" and they muck up a system that was functioning to do it? (usually happens because the folks designing the "improvements" have never actually had to work with the old system) I know one of my last jobs had that happen. They switched the accounting system. It mucked things up for a good six months until they worked the kinks out. Hang in there -- and the brain numbness is only temporary thankfully!

  5. I'll bet you had fun and just don't want to tell us. LOL

  6. OH my how aweful it sounds. I have never been to one of them meetings and now I'll make sure never to go. I never knew that flour went bad, or maybe I use mine before then. Hope you recovery from your ordeal.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. But look on the bright side... you were still making money!

    Sorry to hear about the food tho; I cook for a living and my roast beef is so tender you can cut it with a fork.......

  9. What? No one committed suicide?


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