Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's Hairball Season!

And I'm not decorating for it! To tell you the truth, my cat Button's on her own on that one, and she's doing a fine job too!

Of course, if you own--or HAVE owned--a long haired cat, then you're probably already familiar with the season's "festivities." One of my favorites is performing the Mexican Hat Dance as I negotiate my way around a hairball or two--it kind of gives the season that party atmosphere. And serving up some Hairball Salad is always good for a few giggles.

If you have a cat, you also probably know that peak hairball season's likely to last a good six months or more--from the first sign of winter weather to the heat of summer. This is the time of year when the savvy cat owner does NOT energetically leap out of bed in the morning. Not without looking first. And even then, he or she is best advised to gingerly step out of bed with the utmost caution.

Since I'm not a morning person, there's very little danger of me leaping out of bed at the best of times, and with the colder temperatures, I'd just as soon pound on the snooze alarm a couple times and hunker down further under the covers. But eventually there comes a time when each of us must arise and face the day. Being morning-challenged, though, means that once I DO get out of bed, I'm pretty darn oblivious to most everything around me for the first hour or two. Such inattention can be dangerous and may lead to mishaps.

I know that some of you are probably reading this in the morning. I know--because you've told me--that you may be drinking your coffee or eating your cornflakes, so I'll spare you the details. It wouldn't be pretty. But I will say this: Let's all be careful out there! Wear some kind of non-slip protective foot gear at all times, including when you're sleeping. Keep paper towels and rug cleaners handy, and locate them at several central emergency clean up stations around the house. Having an odor-eliminating carpet powder on hand is a bonus as well--you'll be glad you made the investment. Together, we can all get though this people!


  1. Is there really a season for it? I mean I have noticed that every once in a while they seem to do it more. Hmmmm.

  2. But she looks so innocent.....

  3. Tis the season to show off our cats, IF I had one.

    Kairle's yesterday and now you.!!

    Guess you made a misstep yesterday.

  4. I have one word for you -Furminator. I bought one for my 2 long haired cats and am amazed at how well it works. It removes all the loose undercoat and I haven't seen a hairball since I started using it. I also don't have to vacuum every 10 minutes from the shedding. One of my kitties isn't too happy about being fruminated, but he will sit still for it and the other one doesn't mind at all.

  5. Eeeeewwwwww!!!!! Boy, do I sympathise! That 2 am scamper down the hall becomes life threatening -- for my CAT!! Whay can't they find a nice out of the way corner? How about the litter box?
    Atually, our problam has gotten better since someone advised me to up his oil intake, so he gets all the tuna juice when we open a can, and bacon grease drizzled over his chow, and sometimes just plain corn oil. Apparently it lubes the pipes so things keep sliding south, know what I mean?

  6. ROFLMAO -- ok, way too funny. I remember those "avoid the hairball" days. Hmmmn...almost makes me glad I developed an allergy to cats when I moved out of my parents' house. Almost. I miss the kitties.

  7. Lol same here. I remember finding interesting things. My kitty liked to go into the PANTRY and leave me those presents. Ugh! I definitely needed sandals during furball season.

  8. Kim,
    I love reading your blog. You are such a hoot! I am sitting hear laughing, yet I know just what you mean. I have 2 cats, and one is long haired. I keep a pair of thongs (or flip flops as my kids call them) beside the bed. Don't want to step on any kitty surprises in the middle of the night. LOL

  9. Two questions, 1) there is a season? I thought it was a lifelong journey and 2) what is my George doing on your floor? I love the hometown work. I am appliquing (sic) also. I have two, count them two, blocks done. So if I live forever.... Mary

  10. Wow, hairball season lasts for all 12 months at our house. With 5 cats it is always fun to see who leaves us the latest one. My DH pulled out a t-shirt and it had 3 little hairballs stuck on it. I especially love that gagging noise they make as they are backing up getting ready to spit one up. That noise will wake anyone up in the middle of the night with a cry of, " where's the cat?"

    I love the hairball salad. Did you see the cat poop cookies on my blog? So real NO one would eat them at my Halloween party! Party Poopers...pun intended!


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