Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day of Beauty Update

For those of you who have asked and/or are just plain curious, I shaved last night. I know--I'm three days late, but I figure it will last longer. I sure felt cold and naked afterward though--and slightly violated. On the up side, it seemed like my pants fit a little looser today.

And if you're following along with my routine--go shave!


  1. Kim, In the future, could you please let me know before you post a picture of me. ROFLOL Just kidding, I shaved on Sunday, before church.

  2. Oh no, not keeping to your routine. If I was, I'd need a weed eater....lol....

  3. Wow, I think we're related. LOL

    Did you decide to shave because everything was blowing in the breeze. :-)

  4. You're soo cute, Kim. Have a good day.

  5. WHEW!! Thank you!! DH was just asking if I needed to borrow his sawzall...........

  6. LOLOL....glad my coffee wasn't ready....lol!!!

  7. Did Darlene really say that??? ROFLOL!!! DID SHE??
    You know your pants do feel looser don't they??? I always can tell that feeling after shaving. ROFLOL OMG are we really discussing this?

  8. You are just too funny!! So glad its shaving day!!!


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