Friday, January 18, 2008

Hometown Christmas and General Quilty News

I've been feeling pretty guilty lately for having fallen behind in the Hometown Christmas project--as of January 15th, I should have had three more sections done than I did have. What kind of "leader" am I anyway? Not a very good one, I guess! I hope to catch up soon, but one of the sections will be applique, so that will take a little longer--it will replace the section that's supposed to look like holly and berries if you squinch up your eyes and turn your head sideways.

I DID get one section done tonight, though--that's it in the photo above. And yes, as a matter of fact, I did change it a bit. This is the one that's in the second row down on the right side--in the original pattern, it's a house, then two trees together to the right of the house, and then a couple filler blocks on the end. I made a different tree (the same tree block I used in the Winter/Valentine's quilt but a little smaller) and reversed the tree and house. The house is the same as the original pattern though. So, now I just have two more sections to make, and I'll be caught up. Well, except that another one will be due by the end of January! You can't see all of the sections (my design wall's not even wide enough for them!), but here's a quick photo of a couple I have up on the wall. I was looking at them tonight, and I think I want to add some applique embellishments to a few. It's probably best if I do that before they get too large to handle easily.

Sometime around the end of December, I said I planned to spend January getting some quilt projects finished up, and I've been doing just that. In the last week, I've gotten three small quilts quilted and bound. The first two are from my Jo's Little Women Club. The 9-patch blocks in the first one are 1-1/2" finished. I think those rail fence-type blocks in the second one are 1" finished. I haven't had a chance to wash them yet, so you'll still see the quilt markings on them--sorry about that!

The third one I finished is one of the two Trees on the Table toppers I made from Marcie's free pattern. I'm either really, really late for Christmas or I'm really early. Since I'm so late on Hometown Christmas, let's just pretend I'm really early with this one for next Christmas! I'm not sure they show up very well in the photo, but I used a decorative machine stitch for tree "garland" and sewed on colored buttons for "ornaments."

The weekend's here! I'm SOOOO envious of all the quilters attending Road to California. My husband and I talked a little bit about going this year but never did make any real plans--maybe we'll go next year. Whatever you're doing this weekend, I hope you have a great one!


  1. I love your little quilts!
    The rail fence one is that from a Jo's club?
    which session if it is!
    I just love that one and the way you quilted it is perfect!
    Love the nine patch too as thats probably my favorite block!
    love the fabrics :)

  2. I made the same "trees on the table" topper but yours turned out so much nicer! Do you use batting inside your table toppers/runners? I love the tree garland quilting and the button ornaments.

  3. Congradulations on getting the tre topper done already for next Christmas. It is adorable with the buttons and garlnads.

    Then good for you getting back to that Hometown. Og course the Mini's are cute to. You always choose the best fabrics for these little ones.

  4. Love the buttons on your trees! Your little JO quilts are wonderful, as is HT Christmas. That little tree reminds me of the one in your Valentine project. Is it the same?

  5. I love your little quilts. I have Marcie's topper in my do to pile. Love the button idea.
    I'm really gonna catch up with my Hometown....of course I love all your changes. :)

  6. Love, love those Jo Morton little quilts. For me???? (had to ask - LOL)

    The buttons on your trees are so cute. Perfect!

    I don't have to fret about staying caught up with Hometown Christmas - I don't own this project. LOL

    Like you, I'm jealous of those at Road. Sigh! :-)

  7. Adorable little quilts, Kim. I'd like to say that I'm surprised that you get so much done, but I'm not. You're SO productive!!!

  8. Your changes to the little trees are great(the garland is a really nice touch). When I get some quilts finished I have Marcia's pattern waiting. I do think buttons can go on almost anything. Your little quilts turned out nicely too.

  9. Your changes to the little trees are great(the garland is a really nice touch). When I get some quilts finished I have Marcia's pattern waiting. I do think buttons can go on almost anything. Your little quilts turned out nicely too.

  10. All of your quilts are gorgeous, but I just love the Jo's little quilts. Such tiny pieces and you did them so well. Beautiful, beautiful!

  11. The tree topper is just too adorable. And yep, you're very early! Love the two little quilts as well. HOW do you work with blocks that small?

  12. Congrads on finishing up some projects! You know, I'm really enjoying having no pressure to complete something. For me it has more to do with school papers! Perhaps I ought to put pressure on quilt completions. Gosh, so many quilts I want to make never mind finish! Anyway, love those quilts! Yea, I'd like to be at Roads too! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Love your baby quilts, Kim. Especially your table topper Christmas tree. It looks a little different and unique, just very pretty. I would like to go to Road to California too!


  14. Oh, I love the Christmas Tree quilt and the button ornaments totally MAKE IT! :) Nice work.


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