Sunday, June 9, 2013

Scrap Basket Sunday

Oh, I'm so glad I can stay at home today and play with scraps in the air conditioned house!  Yesterday my stitchery friends, all six of us, met at my house for breakfast on the patio at around 10:30, and it was already miserably hot out.  After eating, we moved inside and crowded around the kitchen table in my small kitchen, stitching until it was time to leave for a little shopping followed by our lunch reservations at the High Hand Conservatory.  Did I take photos?  No, I think my brain had melted from the heat.  Because what I hadn't realized when I planned the day was that the former fruit drying sheds and the conservatory we visited were not air conditioned, and our temperatures reached 108 on Saturday afternoon.  After lunch, we visited nearby Newcastle where we stopped at a couple more non-air conditioned shops.  On the way back home, we stopped for soft serve ice cream cones where the ice cream melted quicker than we could eat it.  All I can say is that it was probably a very good thing our shopping was done, because a few of us were WEARING more ice cream than we'd eaten!  We were so happy to get back to my house and the air conditioning, even if it meant crowding around the kitchen table again!  Still, we all enjoyed the day just because we could be with one another--friends are the BEST, aren't they?!

Here are this week's scrappy blocks.  The other day when I was rummaging around my larger scrap bin, I pulled out a few more scraps to supplement the scraps in the basket--now it's full again!  I'd better get busy and make more blocks.  I wonder how many more I need for the Pie in the Sky quilt I'm working on?  When I started making blocks, I kept them wrapped around a cardboard roll, but they soon became too bulky, so I transferred them to clear plastic protector sleeves--the kind that hold paper in a binder--two to a sleeve.  I placed enough empty sleeves in a binder so that when the sleeves are full, I'll have enough blocks to make the quilt.  I know there are many more full sleeves than there are empty ones, so maybe I'm getting close!  How about you?  Are you joining us this week with a scrappy project to share?


  1. Geeez... that's hot! Air conditioning is a great invention... and thank you for the binder/sleeve idea! I have a couple of smaller applique projects that this system will work well with!

  2. Great shared idea about the magnetic rod hanger on your door, but my kitchen pantry door is wood so I've used an over the door wreath hanger. I hand sew hidden loops on the back of the wall hanging, run a dowel or take in chop stick thru the loops and hang. Not sure how many scrap blocks I'll get sewn today. Was 103here yest'dy! Cool upper 90's coming today!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful outing with friends, despite the heat. It's been hot here, by which I mean the 80's.

  4. I just posted my Scrap Basket Sunday post. I started a new scrappy low volume quilt.

  5. Couldn't stand it, all those scraps I found last week I had to play with this week!
    Your blocks are looking good!!!!

  6. Is this pattern in your new book? I love it!!

  7. I think you may have gotten the idea about the magnetic curtain rod from me. It was a few years ago. I'm so glad you remembered it.
    At Christmas, I wanted to hang a quilt on the door, but it didn't look good on the hanger, so I had some magnetic strips that had sticky stuff on the back. I stuck those close to the binding at the top and the bottom of the quilt. It worked great!

    You post makes me hot just thinking about it. lol I agree with you that friends that share the same interests as you are the best (and so are blogging friends).


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!