Monday, June 10, 2013


I had such a nice, relaxing day in the Sweat Shop on Sunday.  It's been a few weeks since I had a day with no demands or chores that absolutely HAD to be done.  In fact, on Sunday I never did change out of my jammies or do much more than run a wash cloth over my face and drag a comb through my hair!

After I finished my four scrappy blocks that I'll show you next week (and, by the way, I checked--four more weeks worth of blocks still to make, so I'm not THAT close yet), I pulled out my almost-done Autumn House quilt and finished the borders.  Want to see it?

This is a Bunny Hill pattern; you may remember that last year, three of my stitchery friends and I worked on it as a block of the month project.  Between the four of us, we collected most of the fabrics that were used in the original quilt.  That was quite a feat since the quilt was several years old.  Using "original" fabrics isn't something I normally care very much about, but it was fun to do with this quilt and kind of a challenge to track the fabrics down.

Each month, we'd gather at someone's house and cut "kits" for each of us.  When we didn't have the "original" fabric, we'd audition substitute fabrics and sometimes we'd make different choices, so each of our quilts is a little bit different from the others.  I think my three friends finished the quilt top before I did and at least one of them has been sent out to be quilted, but I don't think any of them are totally completed yet.  I hope, though, that we'll all have them done and hung once autumn rolls around.

Sadly the weekend's over and staying holed up in the Sweat Shop with my jammies on isn't an option for the next few days.  I hope you had a lovely weekend too!


  1. it sounds like a very nice day staying in jammies and not having a care in the world!! I bet you got some sewing done that way.

  2. I only finished one Autumn House block, got mine has BOM kits. Someday I will finish them.

  3. Sewing in your jammies sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Sunday. Now if there was just ice cream involved I would call it perfect.

  4. You certainly made good use of your "down time". How fun to have done this with your friends this way! I love Anne Sutton's patterns, but haven't allowed myself to buy one. I have way too many things waiting in the wings already. I love to see what others have done with them however.

  5. Your fall quilt looks beautiful--quilting/sharing friends are the best

  6. That Autumn House quilt of yours is looking GORGEOUS!

  7. Love your Autumn House quilt. I am in the middle of this quilt myself. Can you tell me which block is block 7? I am missing that pattern:/ I am hoping I don't have to purchase this pattern just for #7, but it's not looking good!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!