Friday, May 10, 2013


Wow!  If ever I wonder in the future whether anyone is reading my blog, all I have to do is remember how many of you took the time to help me make a decision about which color rick rack to use.  There were 47 comments already, just a day later.  Yes, there were a lot of different answers, but most of you were pretty certain you didn't like the yellow.  And some of you thought it was great the way it is, without any rick rack added at all; maybe just a bright binding.  And a couple of you thought I should replace the border altogether.  You know, that's something I thought about too for awhile, but I really wasn't sure I'd ever find quite the right thing.  I had this black and white print picked out at the beginning--it was part of the line that I used heavily in the rest of the quilt--and I was as surprised as could be when I added it at the end and it fell flat.

Between the blue and the green rick rack, green had the most "votes."  And while blue is just about my favorite color, I think the blue is too calm for the result I'm looking for.  So, unless anything happens between now and the quilting part, I suspect I'll go with the green.  Now I just need to get it pin basted and quilted!

In the meantime, I thought I'd show you the next sheep blanket--it's not stitched down yet, but I was putting together the wool for my friends and getting it prepped, so I took a photo.

This is the May blanket, and I'm a little surprised at the darker colors, but it IS a primitive pattern, so I guess it's to be expected.  The bowl or vase is supposed to be terra cotta and one of the leaves is supposed to be yellow, but I didn't like those choices--at least not in the shades of wool I have.  The blue bowl is a little bit brighter than it should be, I think, but I'm happy enough.  I tried a pinkish shade and that was a disaster!  It's probably a little hard to tell, but the foundation is a medium gray.  Once the blanket stitches and embroidery are added, I think it will be great!

I fell in love with this quilt pattern I found on eBay the other day--

The listing called it Summer Picnic Quilt Pattern by Hen House Designs.  I searched the internet for Hen House Designs and didn't find anything.  Have you ever heard of them/it?  For all I know, the seller could be the designer, because he or she listed another one right after I won this one.  See?  I told you I was starting to get in a red, white, and blue mood!


  1. All i found was this listing:
    Good luck!

  2. Hi Kim, I live in Australia & coincidentally have just subscribed to the newsletter of The Hen House.Don't know if these are the actual designers of the quilt you're looking for, but they seem to have a lot of patterns.
    The Hen House
    211S Cochran,
    Charlotte, MI
    Hope this is helpful. Lyn


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!