Saturday, May 11, 2013

Scrap Basket Sunday Sign Ups!

Since Sunday is Mother's Day, I suspect some of us may not have time to sew.  Then again, some of us may have told our families that one of the things we'd like to spend a little time doing on Mother's Day is relaxing and sewing--that's what I've told Hubby, but then the Wild Child is up north in Eureka and Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife will be dividing the day between several moms, so much of my day is free.

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling like doing something a little different with my scraps this week; I don't know what.  I have last Sunday's blocks to show this week, but maybe I'll have a different little something or other the following week.  Quilters' Attention Deficit Disorder!

So do you have something to show us this week?  If so, please add your name and link to Mister Linky below when you're ready for us to visit you!


  1. I didn't participate last week cause I was busy with other stuff so this week I plan on joining in. Both of our Mother's have passed away years ago so Mother's Day brings nothing going on here. Can't wait to see how your changing things up tomorrow.

  2. Hi Kim,
    Off topic but ... I'm having no luck finding mail order sources for Thimbleberries fabrics. Do you have any recommendations?
    Thanks ~ Jeanne

  3. One of my sewing groups here meets the second Sunday of the month to sew all day. That's tomorrow, Mother's Day, and YES we are sewing!!!!!!

  4. Not much going on at my house. So, after golf, I will sit at my machine and work on a new scrappy "Courthouse Steps".

  5. Missed last week. This is a great way to keep the focus on the project. Too many of mine join the UFO pile. Thank you. And I get great ideas from other stitchers.

  6. This is only my 2nd week linking up. Used my scraps earlier in the week because of my work schedule. Trying to keep the "scrap" baskets under control.

  7. I'm skipping out this Sunday for Mother's Day - but I will be checking out everyone's posts!

  8. I missed last wek and this one I use scraps to make hexies,(lurking over my block,I didn´t add my link good and find my last post), and hanquilting.

    Happy mother`s day!!

  9. 26 blocks finished with hardly a dent in my scraps! Must keep going.

  10. Love your blocks - you have very cool scraps!

  11. Didn't have much to show until later this afternoon when I finished the Log Cabin blocks. So am just squeezing in here.

  12. Hi! First time visiting your blog. Got here by way of
    Looking forward to seeing more of your past posts and getting you know you better, Kim!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!