Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Not Quite So Big Reveal . . .

Today's the day when all of the Comfort & Joy participants get to reveal their finished quilt--or as close to a finished quilt as each of us has gotten.  You can visit Anne at Cottons 'n Wool to find links to all of us who worked on the quilt, so you can see what everyone else did.  Just click HERE.   BUT BEFORE YOU GO . . . here's what I have so far:

The center of the quilt top is finished and the borders are added.  It's a little hard to tell here on the design wall, but the outer border fabric is a white with multi-colored dots.  In the pattern, there are vines, berries, leaves, and birds appliqued into the upper left and lower right corners, extending along the borders in each direction.  Here are the pieces I've prepared for one corner:

And a very small start on the pieces for the other corner:

I was quite tempted to stay up a little later and get the pieces for the first corner glued onto the border, just because I thought it would be a little more exciting for you to see, but darn it!  It's just too easy for me to stay up half the night playing and then experience that 7-a.m.-get-up-and-go-to-work remorse, so I'm exercising my better judgment for once.  If you're not a regular reader of my blog and just hopped by from Anne's blog to see all the quilts, come back in about a week and I'm sure I'll have it done--the quilt top, anyway.  The quilting itself will probably take a little longer.  Still, I have another 280 days or so to get the quilting done, right?


  1. Good for you. You did a great job.
    I am sure you will get it done before the 280 days.:0)

  2. YOur work is amazing!


  3. Love your cheerful colors in this quilt! So cute! I'm a new follower by way of Cotton's and Wool...loved your kool aid dying tute...can't wait to give it a try! Thanks!

  4. I absolutely love your color and fabric choices! They are so fresh and festive. Thanks for sharing your wonderful work!!

  5. Your color selection has made me want to make this quilt...twice! What fun and whimsey you've added!!! I look forward to seeing your borders!

  6. when you first started this, i bought the book because you made it look so cool - and i remember you making all the pieced blocks ahead of time (kinda like reading the summer reading list in May and having the rest of the summer to read what you WANT to read) and i was soooo impressed - and now i wish that the book wasn't collecting dust on the bookshelf and i had a quilt like yours ... sigh ... maybe this year, eh?

  7. I like the stripe you have used for a border. I am still up in the air whether to add some applique to my borders or not.

  8. I love it! I'm really impressed, Kim, by how quickly you can applique. If I do it by hand it is sooooo slow- excruciatingly slow.

  9. See? I told you you could do it! Way to go. Love the cheerfulness of yours. Thanks so much for playing-a-long!

  10. This looks like a lot of work! I always love your color choices. Looking forward to seeing you complete this as I know it was hard to be so sick for so long. Glad you are feeling more like sewing these days. We look forward to your projects. K-


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!