Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another One . . .

Gosh, did I sound stressed yesterday?  I didn't mean to, but I guess I must have.  I actually thrive on a challenge and I like to set little goals for myself.  See why I need Friday nights off to go out to dinner and then relax in a bubble bath?  Planned relaxation!  Aside from Friday nights, I tend to be very driven.  I had to laugh a month or two ago when I woman I've worked with for the past couple of years said she thought I was a very relaxed type-B personality.  That couldn't be farther from the truth, but I DO remain calm much of the time, so that's probably how she perceives me.

Anyway, I digress.  I just wanted to show you the last block of the center part of the Comfort & Joy quilt--this is the one I should have made in November, but again, I guess I was doing something else, like eating turkey.

I see I cut off some of the pieced parts of this section when I took the photo, but I had those up on the design wall the other day anyway--it was just the applique that needed to be added.

I have one more day evening left to see what else I can accomplish because when I write tomorrow night, I need to post a photo for the big reveal.  But that doesn't mean I'll stop working on the quilt tomorrow night when I post--I'll keep working on the applique until I finish this project because I really like the way it's turning out.  Anyway, enough for now--more tomorrow!

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