Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Remember recess? When you were a kid, it was the time between lessons when you got to go out and play. Well, this is your opportunity to enjoy recess between applique lessons.

For various reasons, all of which sound a bit whiny, I'm not really feeling like writing a tutorial tonight--too much concentration and time required.

So let's all meet back here in 24 hours, and I'll see if I can do a better job then. Spit wads will not be tolerated.

Now go out and play.


  1. no spit wads?!?


    then i'm gonna take my ball and go home...

  2. Everybody needs a recess now and then. See you at lunch today.

  3. Ooh, dodge ball! That still gives me nightmares from my elementary school days!!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!