Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm Really, Really Tired of Turkey

How was your Thanksgiving? We had a really nice time, although both of our kids' significant others weren't able to join us, so it was just the four of us for the day--and I cooked enough food to feed at least eight WITH leftovers. So, ever since Thursday, I've been eating mashed potatoes and gravy for breakfast, turkey sandwiches for lunch, and turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, and gravy for dinner. Every day. (We had Chinese takeout the night before Thanksgiving, but Hubby snagged THOSE leftovers for himself, darn him!)

At the suggestion of several of you, I bought Apples to Apples and we played it after Thanksgiving dinner--tons of fun! Thanks for the suggestion. In fact, Soccer Son and his Lovely Wife to be Someday came over today (Sunday) for leftovers, and we played the game again because we enjoyed it so much the first time.

I think this is the longest break I've taken from blogging since I started several years ago. It was nice to not have to stop what I was doing to make time to write--even if what I was doing was getting in bed early with a good book!

Mostly, though, I've been working on getting the house decorated for Christmas, and I'm nearly there! Not quite, though. And I still haven't quite finished the Christmas quilt for my bed--but I'm working on the binding, so I'm getting close. In the next couple of days, I'll share a few photos of my decorations and the quilt--when I complete it. In the meantime, I have a little something for you tonight.

After nearly completing the Christmas quilt and sorting through the leftovers (fabric, not turkey!) to make sure I have what I need to make a few other things for my bedroom, I found I have a panel and some scraps I don't need.

The panel and scraps are from Kate Spain's 2010 Christmas line, the 12 Days of Christmas.

I'd guess there are enough scraps here to make a tabletopper or small wallhanging, plus the panel. Are you interested in adopting my leftovers? (Again, fabric, not turkey!)

I need to limit this giveaway to those of you in the US or with a US mailing address because of the cost of mailing and the amount of time it would take to reach someone outside the US. Also, I'm going to keep this short so I can get it out to the winner quickly, in time to do something with it by Christmas.

What do you need to do? Just tell me what you think you'd do with the panel and scraps if you won. I'll pick a winner Monday night and announce the winner on Tuesday's blog post. Please come back on Tuesday to see if you won, because I'd like to get the winner's mailing address and get the packet mailed before the end of the week.

It's nice to be back in Blogland and visit with you again, and I hope your holiday weekend was the best!



  1. This year, I did not cook nearly as much as usual so the leftovers all fit into one bag to go home with my Mom:) Score for me!!! I love the Spain fabrics and panel and would love to use them for a wall hanging. Money is really tight this year, so gifts and decorations will be minimal. It would be really nice to be able to make everyone something fabulous:) Now, to find the time...

  2. The panel would make a lovely wall hanging. I love Kate Spain's fabrics.

  3. I have a bare spot on my wall that would look lovely with a 12 days wall hanging, plus it would match the quilt that will lay on the couch right under it! Thanks for the chance to win! As for turkey, I have mostly avoided the leftovers, but this week that's what it'll be. And I'm glad you enjoyed Apples to Apples, my family loves it.

  4. You think all that turkey is bad? I cooked a turkey and a ham (because hubby likes turkey and brother-in-law likes hame!) and only 4 people showed up! Ugh! I'm starting the decorating today (dreading it!)...but I'd love to have a new project to work on during the cold days ahead!

  5. The colors are yummy!! The fabric would make a great lap throw. Since we live in Western NY (although it's 55 degrees today!), I'd skip the batting and use fleece for the backing.

  6. I would try to make some kind of card holder -- I have one now that needs to be replaced.

    As for turkey -- I cook the biggest I can get--put the left overs into the freezer for later use in casseroles--family loves turkey pot pie and turkey enchiladas.

  7. We went to Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Dan's house, and came home with a pint of turkey and ham combined. The turkey is gone, and I'm using the ham for soup tomorrow. Our refrigerator is bare...

    And I would use the panel for a machine quilting class I'm taking in March since a panel is required. It would be perfect to practice a bunch of different quilting patterns in all the days!

  8. We still have a little bit of turkey left over, I'm the only one who likes turkey. Glad you enjoy your long weekend and got in some reading. As for the panel I might back it fleece and hang it for this year. After Christmas I'd try hand quilting it around each motif. Thanks for motivating us with a wonderful giveaway. Glad your back, I missed reading your blog. Something was missing from my morning. ;->
    Toni Anne

  9. Our sweet DIL who is epxecting a baby in January so is getting pretty huge was born on Christmas Day 31 years ago. If I received the panel I would make a table topper for her! We are planning to make the drive over the mountain on Christmas Eve.

    As for leftovers...DH had the last of it for dinner yesterday...Oh yeah I am so done and Chinese sounds reallllllyyyy good!

  10. I would love to win the panel and scraps. I would make a cheery wallhanging for my grandbaby's room. I think she would love to look at all the pretty colors. Thanks for the chance.

  11. Don't laugh, but I need something to hang in the guest bathroom! Miss ya!!



  12. Would love to win your panel and scraps to make a fun wallhanging. Went to 2 Thanksgiving meals this year but no leftovers to deal with so I am fine. Have to start my own decorating and would like to do some baking this year also.

  13. I would love to win those scraps to put in a cheery wallhanging. I have a few fat quarters from that line of fabric but not really enough for anything so this win would be perfect! Thanks for the chance.

  14. I have my Kate Spain blocks from a FQS block of the month. I would use them along with this panel for a cute quilt. Sounds like you had a great thanksgiving in spite of too much turkey. Did you shop on black Friday?

  15. I'm into table runners these days and this would be perfect. I live in Canada but I have a sister in the US you can mail it to! Thanks for this great giveaway. We went through the turkey leftover for weeks last month for our Thanksgiving. I froze it!

  16. This would make a cute Table Topper. Leftover turkey went home with Granddaughter. Leftover ham was for breakfast with eggs and toast on Friday morning. Yum! Missed you every morning and am glad you are back. Freeze the leftover turkey for soup.

  17. with a co-ordinate that lives in my stash, it would make a great lap quilt, I love that the colors are not the traditional red/green/blue and the ice blue is a new favorite of mine (I am not a blue fan normally)
    I traveled for the holiday so I'm a bit envious of your leftovers!
    Enjoy reading your adventures ,Bonnie T Suffolk,VA

  18. You were missed, but glad to hear you had a great weekend! I had the opposite! I was only going to have seven (my family and two guests) and it turned into thirteen!! A freind and his family had nowhere to be and I knew that I had MORE than enough food to go around (and then some) So my house was PACKED! LOL I loved it! This is a tight christmas and I am making several ornaments and table runners for friends and family out of material I resued from my Mother's sewing room! Your material is beautiful and I would love to partake in the drawing! I have many friends who would appreciate a homemade gift! Thank you and have a blessed day!

  19. Looks like a lovely wall hanging to me! I love the scraps too. I am fixated on Carrie's Tiny Houses pattern. They are adorable and I'm making Christmas pincushions.


  20. I would love to win this great fabric. I would make a wallhanging for my stepson and his girlfriend. Besides, you would save on shipping as it wouldn't have to leave the state. :-) Thank you for this chance to win. Take care and God bless, Cory

  21. I sent lots of left overs home with family. So I managed to skip them, my daughter and husband had them for a couple of days. I really don't care for left over turkey. If I won your give away, I think that I would cut up the panel and make a table runner. Happy cyber Monday.

  22. It would make a great small quilt for my grandchildren to play with over Christmas. Build a Christmas fort! We went to our oldest son's home for Thanksgiving. 25 family members there. Turkey burritos are a great way to use leftovers. Chopped fine with sautéed onion and some spices and green chilies. Rolled in tortillas and baked.

  23. I would make a wall-hanging. I debated too long on purchasing this line and missed out.

  24. We had Thanksgiving one day late and our leftovers are just about gone ... Having fun helping put away the Fall decorations and putting up Christmas with the grandchildren. Passing on the very nice give away - thanks though.

  25. Our turkey is all gone - yeah! I think I would make a table topper! Thanks for the giveaway.

  26. I'd make a wall hanging for a dear friend who loves these colors.

  27. I solved the sick of turkey problem by inviting over my mom and one brother's family which numbers 8--he only brought himself and four kids but that made a good dent in the leftovers! The next night my DD and SIL came over and we finished off the ham and lots of other leftovers.

    Please skip me for the drawing, I still have the charm packs and panel I won from your blog last year! Thank you again for that :)

  28. I'd make it a small Christmas quilt for my almost two year old granddaughter

  29. Oh Kim, you are so generous. I would love to make place mats and/or napkins for our family Christmases. Thank you for the opportunity. I have a US address for the winter here in CA.

  30. LOL on the turkey leftovers! I am down to my last scraps of turkey and thinking what I must make with it for dinner tonight. Everything else is gone thankfully!
    Love your (fabric) leftovers! If I had them, I would make a new tree skirt! My old one is about 20 years old and getting pretty sad!

  31. I cooked shrimp and grits last night to avoid more bird for supper. the panel would be great for the baby quilts that I make for charity, and the scraps would be just the thing for grandaughters doll quilt I plan to make her for christmas (she is getting a new american girl doll)

  32. I missed your blog not being at the top of my google reader every morning. glad you are back and sorry about the turkey. i would love to make a wall hanging from your non turkey leftovers. they are fun to do and quick with a panel so it could even be on the wall by xmas 2011, not xmas 2012 or beyond

  33. I have two little girls, four and eight, and I think I would make a wall hanging for their room. They always want to decorate it but I have a limited budget so I haven't been able to make anything for them to decorate with. This would be perfect! Thank you so much for the great opportunity to win.

  34. I would make a wall hanging for my new daughter in law. It would be in addition to her regular gift. She is really a nice girl and we are so lucky to have her in the family.

  35. I'm desperately in need of some new Christmas decor myself, but I think I would rather make a wall hanging for the newly divorced Sailor Son who has nothing at all! The Grands would love it. :-)

  36. I've made many, many quilts -- but never a Christmas one (although I have fabrics to do one). This would most likely become my first Christmas quilt.
    PS: I've finished my 11 quilts in 2011. I just need to photograph my final two projects now that they have been bound. Problem is, one's already on my mom's bed and my great-nephew is enjoying his flannel baby quilt already too.

  37. I don't know what I would do with it to be honest. At least I wouldn't do anything with it this year for Christmas. Maybe make some sort of 12 days "advent" type of thing. I don't know. But thanks for the chance to win!

  38. We had Thanksgiving with our son's inlaws and they will visit us for Christmas. So nice to have wonderful people in our family.

    Since I am suffering from adhesive capsilitus (frozen shoulder) I would use the panel and fabrics as an incentive to start my exercises at the appropriate time and make a wonderful wall hanging for my kitchen.

    The colors are perfect.

    Thanks for the chance.


  39. I think I would make a wall hanging for my daughter out of that cute fabric. I know what you mean about leftovers. That's all we've had since Thursday. You'd think with 30 people at my houst that we wouldn't have much left, but everyone brought lots of good food.

  40. I think these would make a very cute table topper. I would love to win them.

  41. I would make table runners. I've started to decorate with them more and more and our dressers need longer ones. Thanks for the chance. Sue H

  42. I would love to make my new daughter-in-law a tablerunner with the fabric, and if there is enough I would make one for my other daughter-in-law, too. I've still got leftover turkey, but I'm going to freeze it to use later in casseroles and soups.

  43. The possibilities seem endless... I could make coordinating pillows or placemats... mini wall hangings for friend... a tote bag... pj's, well, ok, maybe not pj's! I love the panel though-- it's great fabric!

  44. i would love to adopt some of your leftovers - the fabric and even the food kind! i spent the holiday with family out of state; hence, no leftovers in my 'frig! i am on a mission to help our youngest son and his sweet bride get ready for their first married christmas together. those colors would be perfect for a young couple celebrating christmas in sunny so. california!

    cindy b

  45. I would LOVE to have your 'leftovers', girl! :) I would make a wallhanging.

  46. I love leftovers of all kinds, so would love the chance to use your "leftover" fabric. And yes, we are still eating turkey and all the extras at our house also. I would use the fabric to make a table runner for my daughter who is buying her first house this week!

  47. Hi Kim, I think I would make a table runner. Thank you for passing on your scraps!!!

  48. I tried convincing my husband to buy Apples to Apples, but he wasn't going for it! Sounds like a great Thanksgiving! I would chop up the panel and make separate blocks out of t and make it into a quilt. Hope you have a great week ;)

  49. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving an blog break! I'd love your leftovers! I "need" a new wallhanging.

  50. I would LOVE to have your leftovers; I'm a newbie quilter with no leftovers to speak of yet. I was just going through a book tonight called "Quilting with Bits and Pieces" and there was a beautiful wall hanging in it that I would love to make. Your leftovers would be perfect!


  51. We love apples to apples too :-) and played round after round with everyone on Friday. And I love leftovers---food and fabric!
    If I won the fabric I'd make a small Christmas throw quilt---I've always wanted to make one and just haven't yet. I love the bright cheery colors and patterns, they make me smile! And better yet, you wouldn't have to pay any shipping--I could meet you at Fabric Garden!
    ps. glad you enjoyed your break. We all need those from time to time!

  52. I make a wallhanging for every holiday at work to share the joy. Bet they would love this!
