Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I don't know about you, but I've been running around like a turkey with her head cut off the past few days, trying to get everything done. After spending several hours of quality time at Hobby Lobby, Target, and Safeway tonight, I think I've finally gotten my immediate shopping done--unless I've forgotten anything. And if I have? I think Hubby might be running an errand or two.

The past couple years, when it's come to cooking our Thanksgiving meal, I've made it easy on myself by buying a couple of pre-prepared dishes from Trader Joe's. This year, I've decided to do everything from scratch. This year, I'm going to try to get the Wild Child to help, but Manager Man just flew in from New Yawk, so it might be tough to pry them apart. The plan for Wednesday night, so far, is for me, Hubby, Manager Man, and the Wild Child to go out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant after I get off work and then come home and prepare whatever Thanksgiving dishes we can.

Thursday is Thanksgiving.

Friday . . . well, I don't do the whole Black Friday thing, but I DO start heavy duty Christmas decorating--I'll be busy with that all weekend.

What I'm getting at, in a roundabout way, is that I'm quite possibly going to miss our daily get togethers a few times over the next several days. There's just too much to do and not much of it is going to be worth blogging about. So, just in case we don't chat before, I want to make sure I wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving how. Have an excellent day!


  1. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one staying home on Friday! Many members of my family always go, but I'm just not a shopper. Have a nice time with your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. There is one thing I will not do on Black Friday and that is shop, unless it is online. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Feast!

  3. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day and weekend. I know that when you share you Christmas decorating photos, it will encourage me to get started around my house. Enjoy your weekend, and we'll see 'ya when we see 'ya.

  4. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your family and decorating.

  6. Want to with you a Happy Thanksgiving! I enjoy your posts everyday - you're something I'm thankful for!! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. I think most people have been away from their computers a lot this past weekend (Thursday on....) so don't feel bad! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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