Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So Besides That . . .

what have I been doing lately? Well, since the surgery, I haven't been working, so I have more time to "play," although if I do too much, my hand gets achy. I think, though, that much of what I do is good for it and will help me regain strength and flexibility. So I just try to be careful not to do anything for too long, and if my hand gets achy, I stop and do something else. I've also been spending at least some of my days reading. And napping. I'm such a night owl that I find my favorite schedule is to stay up until the wee hours of the morning, go to bed and sleep for about six hours, and then take an afternoon nap for about an hour. Yep, I could get used to this!

On Sunday, I added a border to the Halloween embroidery, quilted the piece, and added the binding.

I always have a hard time trying to decide how to quilt an embroidered piece, because I don't want the quilting to detract from the embroidery. With this one, I quilted a simple 1-1/2" criss-cross grid using the same colored thread as the background fabric.

Soccer Son came over the other day and arranged the skeletons for me--he's so clever!

And over the past couple of days, I worked on hanging a few light strings and arranging a couple of small displays.

While we don't really have the chilly autumn weather yet, the temperatures are dropping a bit and we will likely get a bit of rain this week, so it's starting to feel a little more like Fall.

I've been working on a couple more Halloween/Fall projects, but this post is long enough, so I'll have to show them to you later. See you then!


  1. great embroidery Kim. You always have the best fall decor.

  2. I love how you finished the embroidered piece, Kim, and all of your decorations really put me in the mood for some ghostly decorations here in amongst my cobwebs. :D

  3. Although I did love them drinkin the beer and palying the cards...they are the best! I also love the candy corn border on your embroidery! Did you know they do not have candy corn in Australia?? I guess it is an American thing and has not made the translation to them! ha just a little FYI! (One of my bloggy ladies was 'translating' Ausie to English and that was one she said there was no translation for!!)

  4. Verra, verra nice embroidery missy! I can see you are havin' fun at yur haws. Hugs

  5. Cute embroidered witch, and I love those skeletons!

  6. Great skeletons!! They look so animated!, LOL!

  7. Kim your decorations are amazing. We can't do anything close to that in the area where I live it would all be gone the next morning. Shoot they steal plants and garden hoses in my area. Loved seeing your porch.

  8. The way you finished the little quilt was just perfect. Just enough and it doesn't take away from the main feature. Also, not quilting through the witches was a good way to do it...tough to do but worth the effort.

  9. He did a great job with the skeletons. They would make me stop if I were driving by.


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