Wednesday, October 5, 2011

And Another of the Eleven Completed!

Here's one of those recent projects I mentioned yesterday--my eighth completed quilt of the eleven quilt goal for 2011:

It's a pretty boring photo, but once I finished it, it went up on the wall in the Wild Child's room, and there's not a lot that can be done with photos of quilts on walls--especially if the rest of the room isn't spiffed up a bit first. (The Wild Child is currently working on spiffing--she just hadn't done it yesterday when I hung and photographed the quilt.)

This is a quilt I designed a couple years ago as a charm pattern for a class I was teaching, and I named the pattern Eye of the Beast--it reminded me of the yarn and stick God's Eyes we used to make at summer camp when we were kids, but the Halloween fabric seemed more beastly; hence, the name.

As usual, I overestimated how much I could get done in the amount of time I had available, and I never found time to quilt the top before the class, so it went into the "to be quilted" basket until now. It sure feels good to get some of these old projects finished!

The next quilt of the eleven for this year is--I think--an appliqued child's quilt. I've been working on it off and on for several years, so I think it's time to get it finished, don't you?!


  1. I have decided that I would like to spend September, October, November and December at your house!!! :D I love the wallhanging.

  2. I just LOVE halloween! Your quilt is so fun! You are doing great on your goal! Keep it up! Cannot wait to see the applique quilt complete!

  3. That is a totally cool quilt... love the colors and the design!

  4. I am with Angie - I want to live at your house in the Fall! Your decorating talent along with your quilting talent are a sight to behold.

  5. I love your collection of Halloween inspired quilts Kim! You are creeping up on meeting your 11 in 11 goal! Congrats!!!

  6. love it! and love the Minnick & Simpson halloween lines ... I have a Halloween quilt UFO out of Scaredy cat ... blocks are done, just need to be trimmed and put together!

  7. A fabulous, original Halloween quilt!

  8. Nice wall Eye is on her now..


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!