Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Husband's Affair

My sweet mother-in-law called me today to tell me Hubby--her son--is having an affair. Well, you can imagine how shocked I was!

Every Saturday she visits with her sister, Dee Dee, at the retirement home, and Dee Dee told her the awful truth today. You see, the woman Hubby is having an affair with works at the retirement home, so Dee Dee's well aware of what's going on. Not that it's any of her business, she explained to my mother-in-law, but when she asked this "other woman" for her nephew's telephone number, the woman lied, claiming she didn't even KNOW Dee Dee's nephew, and that kind of made Dee Dee a little mad.

Dee Dee's only been living in this particular retirement home for a couple months, and Hubby visits her about once a week or so. Apparently Hubby's a pretty slick operator given the short period of time he's had to initiate this affair, huh?

I suppose I should mention that Dee Dee is 88 years old and is becoming more and more forgetful. The recent move to another facility was necessary because her mind has started to deteriorate a bit more than the previous home could handle. At least she still seems to have a vivid imagination!

I guess I should make sure Hubby's not visiting that retirement home too often. After all, you kind of have to wonder, don't you?! I HAVE mentioned to him that I'm perfectly okay with the idea of him striking up a close friendship with a rich, childless widow, and I can't help but think it would be just like him to get it all wrong. Sheesh!


  1. are such a goof! Glad I wasn't drinking my coffee.....

  2. As long as he's not secretly hosting catered affairs.......

  3. Hm-m-m Have Poker Nights been more frequent lately?

  4. Ummm....hate to state the obvious, butmaybe you SHOULD have shaved your legs more often?? :) Running and ducking for cover here!

    Sandy A

  5. you would not - absolutely would NOT - believe the stories my mother has been coming up with lately - why is it that old people always seem to think the worst of everyone?!?

  6. I worked at a 'controled living environment' (one step from a nursing home) and oh, the things the residence would come up with!! I almost thought you were gonna say the affair was with a patient!! Our coffee guy 'dated' (LOL) several of our residence!! Love it!!


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