Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Means . . .

Remember back in the days before this guy starred on Miami Vice?

Remember when facial stubble wasn't attractive? Don Johnson did a lot to change that. Now most of us generally think it's pretty hot. Unless, of course, it's on the face of some down-on-his-luck drunk or other unsavory character.

Yesterday I had to shop for an outfit to wear to the Wedding of the Century (more about that in another post) and I saw a pair of pajamas. Pink and green with big ladybugs. Cotton knit pants and top with ladybug buttons. Cute, right? So I grabbed it--it was my size and I was pretty sure it would fit. And it did!

The only thing wrong? I didn't realize until I got home and put on my new jammies that the pants were cropped. Now, I should tell you that I don't really like capris on me, because I'm kinda short and kinda wide and I think they look silly, but when I thought about it, since they're jammies, who cares? Hardly anyone will see me anyway. And Hubby was really tickled that I'd bought something bright and cheerful because I generally tend toward BLACK.

All night long, though, I had this nagging concern. Leg hair stubble. Because, really, with winter and being all covered up, I just hadn't really kept my legs silky smooth, you know? And all of a sudden, there I was with new jammies that revealed three or four inches of stubble. Well, I guess you know now where I was going with the title of this post. Now that Memorial Day weekend is here, I guess it's time to break out our razors and get busy.

By the way, do you think that if Giselle quit shaving her legs, leg stubble would become as popular a look for women as facial stubble is for men? No, probably not. Why is it that when it comes to women, looking good takes so much more work?


  1. I couldn't sleep ...saw your post and you always make me laugh!

  2. Do you think our chin hairs will ever become fashionable???

  3. Well that post cracked me up this morning! Yes, I was expecting to read about sewing or cooking or a picnic! I was right. You are a good way to start the day!

  4. Hmm.... have fun shaving your legs?

    It's something I NEVER do. Well, ok. I did it once when I was 14 and it was sooooo gross I have never done it again. First up your legs are all slippery and I felt like I was going to slide out of bed, then a couple of days after that they were all prickly and I couldn't get comfy in bed. So that was it for me. Fortunately I married a man who doesn't seem to mind that I came with hair on my legs. Phew!

  5. What a way to start my day with a smile.
    You are so right about the hair thing,
    Have a great holiday.

  6. I'm surprised to see you describe yourself as 'kinda short'. I've always pictured you as tall.

  7. First off, I was wondering what DJ had to do with Memorial Day, lol.
    I haven't shaved my legs for 21 years! when my son was 4 I took him to the Dr. I was wearing a skirt and he wanted to sit on my lap. When I put him there he hopped down really fast and said "Mommy!!!!! You feel like a porcupine (sp?). I had shaved about 18 hours earlier! I didn't have a lot of hair, but it was prickly and mostly blond! That was enough to make me quit torturing myself for other peoples standards. I'd not shaved my underarms for about 3 years at that point. No shaving for me...but I do have an eyebrow that has fallen to under my chin and I do pluck it! :o)

  8. Great pic of Don Johnson! When that show was on TV, I was living in an apartment with no TV so I never watched a complete episode. But stubble I can relate to! (I am tall so have more surface area, lol)

  9. I too haven't shaved my legs in years. I wear jeans (or looong skirts) exclusively to hide scarred up legs due to a skin condition, so why bother?! The husbandperson prefers unshaved anyway. I do shave my underarms when summer rolls around though.

  10. I'm hit or miss on shaving under arms and legs. What I really wish for was bald for women. I know there have been a couple famous women, but it didn't catch on. Too bad. Thanks for the giggles today.

  11. Kim,
    You do make me laugh- I am not a very hairy person- in fact I am folic-ly challenged as some middle aged women are so leg hair is not my problem- upper lip and chin hairs are occasionally...LOL
    Hope you have a fabulous weekend- Happy creating with all those new fabrics.

  12. LOL Kim! I remember you writing about non-shaving before, and I told you that I shave every day. The hardest thing about being on bedrest when I was pregnant with my son was that I couldn't shave for a whole weekend. Some commenters said they rarely/never shave, and even no underarms? Ok now that is gonna make me lose some sleep tonight! :-)


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