Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vintage History

Thank you all for the movie recommendations. Hubby and I went to see the King's Speech and loved it--just as you predicted. The actors did a fantastic job, and what's even more lovely is that I learned a bit about the history of the last century. Isn't it funny how little we seem to be taught about the last few decades before our birth? Maybe it just takes time to put everything into perspective.

In yesterday's post, I briefly mentioned the trunk show and lecture I attended Friday night given by Amy Barickman. I suspect many of you don't know who she is, but her most recent work is a book called Vintage Notions.

Some years ago, Amy began collecting pamphlets and women's magazines from the early 1900s, and through those old publications, she "discovered" Mary Brooks Picken, who was something like the Martha Stewart of her time, and the school she was affiliated with, the Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences, which offered women correspondence courses in sewing, cooking, needlework, and fashion.

In her book, Vintage Notions, Amy has reprinted many of the best articles, patterns, and recipes from the publications of Mary Brooks Picken and the Woman's Institute that were originally published shortly after World War I and into the 1920s.

If you enjoy women's history and would like to see more of what women were doing and thinking 100 years ago, look for Amy's book--it's great fun to read!

And if you have an opportunity to see her speak, don't miss it! You can check out her blog HERE.


  1. Amy's great! And her new book is wonderful. Thanks for sharing...

  2. I bought her book right before Christmas, and it's great. How lucky that you got to see her.

  3. How fun to attend her lecture and trunk show! I bought her book and really enjoy it!

  4. We saw The King's Speech last night. It was very moving. I sure hope Colin Firth gets the Oscar.


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