Saturday, January 29, 2011

Heading Into the Weekend

I know some of my Blogland friends in Australia will be reading this and feeling a little jealous that our weekend is just beginning and theirs is half over, but I can't help but feel jubilant. (Isn't that a good word, "jubilant"? I knew it was what I meant, but I looked it up to make certain. It means "joyful and triumphant; elated; rejoicing." Yep, that's me!)

I had dinner out with my stitching friends and then we went to see--and listen to--Amy Barickman speak about how the Vintage Notions book came about. I took photos, but I haven't downloaded them yet. More about that tomorrow, I think.

I needed to pick up a couple things from the grocery store, so after our gathering split up, I stopped on the way home and picked up everything I need for the weekend--at least I HOPE it's everything! But you know how that goes, right? There will probably be something else I'll need tomorrow and poor Hubby will be sent out to get it.

I don't know what gets into me sometimes, but every now and then--and it's really not all THAT often--I get a second wind on a Friday night, and so I get busy cleaning house. That's what happened tonight. Now that I think about it, maybe it was the piece of double cream blueberry pie I brought home from Marie Callender's that got into me. After all, I gotta work off those calories somehow!

When I first got home and came in the house, it smelled kind of musty/funky to me, so maybe that had something to do with my cleaning spree. One of the things I don't like about winter is not being able to open the windows and doors and let in the fresh air. So I'm sitting here now, writing this, at 12:30 a.m. with almost all of the windows and doors open. Yes, it's a little chilly--41 degrees out. But it's not as cold as it is where most of you live, I suspect!

My shopping's done, my house is clean, and I'm heading in to take a bath next. Tomorrow I plan to put my Bernina away and get out the Juki and start quilting that Back Home Again/Ellery quilt I pinned the other day. I think the only real "chore" I have to do this weekend is cook--yippeee! One of the things I picked up at the grocery store is a whole chicken. Do you have a favorite chicken recipe you can point me toward? I know something in the crockpot would be low-effort, but I think I'd rather bake, broil, barbecue, or sautee it.

And another thing I was wondering: Have you seen any good movies lately? With just about all my chores done, it might be a good weekend to head out to the theater, so recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks for stopping by to visit, and I hope you're feeling jubilant about the weekend too!


  1. Hi Kim,
    ....I can highly recommend The King's Speech...I'm a bit biased being an Aussie but Geoffrey Rush is's uplifting and funny. Oh, yes Mr Firth not too shabby either
    Ann-Maree in Sydney

  2. We enjoyed True Grit the other night.

  3. True Grit, King's Speech, Black Swan. Can't go wrong with any of 'em. King's Speech is phenomenal.

  4. I've heard good things about The King's Speech but I haven't seen it yet.
    I wish our temperature for today was 41F, we're expecting 104F. Oh the joys of Summer.

  5. The King's Speech! Definitely worth seeing - I didn't want it to end!

  6. The King's Speech most definitely. I didn't want it to end either, but when it did the audience clapped. That doesn't happen very much. Have a relaxing weekend.

  7. even though i don't really have anything to offer in the line of what to do with a whole chicken or what is good in the theaters, i have to leave a comment cuz the word verification is "ouster" and who knows when the opportunity to type it twice will ever happen again?!?

    recently i've only been to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1 - i actually liked it (haven't so much - liked - any of the HP movies after the first 3) enough to see it twice ... we had a gift certificate, so it wasn't real money

  8. Saw the King's Speech not long ago and loved it! I can see why it was nominated for so many Academy Awards. Looking forward to seeing True Grit.

    About chicken recipes, this won't help you now (sorry!) but I love a seasoning put out by Maggi (a German company....Knorr makes one too thats good) for their roast chicken. Based heavily on paprika, it was my go to when I made chicken. I need to find an online source for it since it's imported.

  9. We rented a movie called The Ghost Writer a few weeks ago and quite enjoyed it. It has Ewan MacGregor and Pierce Brosnan in it so it is very easy on the eyes. A friend and I watched a 1997 film called Gattaca on Netflix the other night. It was interesting as well and more good looking men though I can't remember who they were. Have a good weekend.

  10. Yes I'm jealous!!! Would love it to be Sat morning not Sunday morning as I'm reading this!!! I enjoyed Burlesque when I saw it last week. Have a great weekend.

  11. I am keen to see The King's Speech- it has had rave reviews and lots of good words from those who have seen it.
    I like making roast chicken with stuffing. The other way we do chicken is to cut it up into pieces and cook it in a sauce that is made with ketchup, brown sugar, french onion soup mix and a bit of dried mustard I believe. If you are interested in the recipe let me know and I will send you the correct proportions. You bake it in the oven for around an hour along with baked potatoes. Cook some mixed vegetables to serve along side and its a delicious meal.
    Happy quilting,

  12. We went to see True Grit this week and I found it very sad.

    You see religous music always makes me sad and sitting through this movie was like sitting through church which I was forced to go to when I was a child.

  13. YOu have a great time, KIm!! sigh...working this weekend here!

  14. I have to repeat The Kings Speech, or True Grit.

    Umm, roast chicken with potatoes, carrots and onions in the bottom of the pan....I may defrost that bird I have in the freezer. Thanks


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!