Monday, August 2, 2010

August--Bring It On!

NOW I'm ready for August--I've managed to get all my little "pending" projects done--at least all the ones I could think of. I finished the decorated wooden box I've been working on for awhile.

Here's a little better view of the top of the box--

And what will I keep in it? I'm not sure, but it will probably be something quilting-related, I suspect.

Not only did I get two quilts pinned for quilting today, but I actually got one of them quilted! I used a simple meandering stitch and the whole thing only took a couple hours but, still, it's more than I expected I'd accomplish and it's good to have it done.

This Halloween quilt is just a good utility quilt--meant to be used (and possibly even abused). You may remember I cut all the pieces just before the carpal tunnel surgery so I'd have something simple to sew afterward, and that worked out well. At least it kept me out of trouble for a few days. I still have the binding to finish, but I've been working on it tonight while watching TV and it should be done in a day or two.

For the next couple of weeks, I expect there will be a lot going on here, so if I miss a blog post, it's probably just because there's too much to do. The bathroom remodel should start this week; I'll find out from my surgeon on Monday whether he feels I'm ready to go back to work; and the Wild Child will be moving back home in a week or two. Besides that, there's all the usual stuff that needs doing--like house cleaning, errands, and cooking.

Just thinking about all that's worn me out. Probably just as well that it's my bedtime. Thanks for visiting!


  1. That box is way too cute! Seriously too cute!

  2. Have you already got into the Halloween candy? How did you accomplish so much and with a gimpy hand? I'm ashamed at my turtle-like speed. Take care...

  3. I love the halloween quilt.

    I love the colours in halloween fabrics and I am just going to have to make myself a halloween quilt!

  4. I sure understand the busyness part. We have been packing and moving, and it really has been time consuming. Hopefully we can get everything done pretty soon.

  5. I just noticed yesterday that one of those Halloween Spirit shops is advertising already. Can't believe Halloween will be here before we know it. I haven't gotten all the good out of my summer yet! You will be all set with that cute quilt.

  6. Great finishes, Kim! You're inspiring!!


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