Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So Help Me Out Here

I've already managed to justify--to myself--how I can make an aqua and red quilt NOW when I should be doing other things. You see, I was a late arrival to the Year of Schnibbles group and have managed pretty well to catch up, but there's one quilt I still haven't made--the Schnibbles Picnic quilt:

And although I'd really like to justify sitting down and starting on it NOW (I'm writing this in the early afternoon of Tuesday and will give Blogger STRICT instructions to post it at midnight), I just can't seem to find a way to justify putting off cleaning house YET ANOTHER DAY. Hrumph.

But besides all that, I'm not sure how I want to use the fabrics in this quilt, and I thought I'd get a little input from the masses. (No, that doesn't mean I'm going to get up at the crack of dawn and go to mass and pray about it--not THAT kind of "masses." I mean YOU people out there who are kind enough to stop in and visit.)

So here's what I have so far--you'll see I've labeled my stack o'fabric with what I think I'd like to use as a border and inner border (see, I've already decided I'm changing the pattern on that part and I just might also throw a little red border between those two as well), the background, and the sashing, but I'm uncertain about the baskets themselves.

Should I make:

1. All RED baskets with AQUA accents (stylistic "flowers" I suppose!)
2. All AQUA baskets with RED accents (this is probably my own least favorite option right now)
3. Half RED baskets with AQUA accents and half AQUA baskets with RED accents (I'd probably place the RED baskets all in the middle "patch" and the corners with the AQUA baskets in the center sections on the outside--or should I just alternate them evenly?)
4. Or . . . ? Is there another option I'm overlooking that you'd suggest?

One of the really nice thing about Schnibbles quilts is that they're small enough to be fairly fast. Kind of like going on a quilt diet--everything in MODERATION! I'm very, very good at justifying doing whatever I want, aren't I? Thanks for your help!


  1. Third choice with alternating option. The fabrics are charming; it'll be cute no matter what.

  2. Oh my what an absolutely gorgeous pile of fabrics! It is a bit hard to see them all on the screen though so I think the first thing you need to do is cut them all in half and send half here so I can get a better idea LOL!

    OK well seeing as that is not likely to happen :) I vote red baskets with aqua accent flower thingys. I would probably tend to go a plain white for background so the aqua stands out a bit better, LOVE the border and sashing fabrics, gorgeous!!

  3. Hmmm, you're going to have a white/aqua background, aqua sashing and white/floral large outer border, if I understand correctly. I say half aqua, half red baskets. Worry about how to arrange them later, when you can lay things out as a trial. And I think you definitely will need an additional border in red in order for the red baskets to make sense. And then probably red binding. I'm thinking that smaller red polka dot might do for those...

  4. I like choice number 3! The red baskets in the center will really draw in the eye! Can't wait to see what you decide ;-)

  5. I like the idea of mixing them up. Some red baskets and some aqua.

  6. I think the red baskets aqua flowers...but I can't decide on my own quilt so what do I know!

  7. Do you have any objection to adding a bit of brown? That might add some nice contrast, maybe in the basket bottoms? Just a thought.

  8. I really don't know...I liked all the options...The one thing with this pattern is you really need to trim down the patches.
    You are very good at justification...I wish I was lol then maybe I could excuse stopping half way through organzing/moving stuff around of my sewing/stash area.

  9. I am for mixing things up - I prefer a more scrappy look to my quilts. I did like the suggestion of going with a solid white background tho as to not compete with the other fabrics.

    It will be beautiful no matter which way you go.

  10. I'm liking option 3 the most. Gives a good mix. Whatever you decide to do, it will be awesome. :)

  11. I'm liking Option #3, but w/all those gorgeous fabrics, I truly don't see how you could go wrong w/whatever route you choose to take. Pls hurry cuz I'm anxious to see (LOL).

  12. I'd go with red baskets to make them stand out from the sashing and you have a nice variety of reds, so they will still look different. Your fabric selections are gorgeous. I'm looking forward to seeing your top! ;-)

  13. Anything would be beautiful, but I would probably go with choice 1. Red baskets and aqua accents. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  14. OK, I do like option 1/red baskets with aqua HST's and the light background. I also like the border idea. But...
    I'm still thinking about the aqua background and just red baskets. Red/wht for HST's.

  15. oh yeah... and I know who to come to when I need to "justify" something!

  16. Hi, again, I am new to your blog, but just love it. I have made a red and aqua quilt, I like scappy, but I would add a dash of a darker aqua here and there, for me it makes the quilt pop. and I love a white background. Can't wait to see it!
    As for your house, hold off on fabric for one trip and hire a cleaning lady!! Then clean house, no guilt!

  17. I love aqua and red. Mix it all up an it will look fine. Check out my blog to see some aqua and red goodness all mixed up

  18. #3 is what I first thought when I saw the pattern and your fabrics. But any way you decide to do it will be adorable!

  19. Well, I just made my very first Schnibble and it happened to be Picnic. I used Martinique, and although I do think it is very pretty, I must say that I was a little bit disappointed that the baskets don't show up very well.

    This little quilt was more time consuming than I expected it to be (sorry, again! know that doesn't bode well for putting off your cleaning chores!), and I wished half way through that I would have chosen much more high contrast fabrics. It is darling in BRIGHT fabrics against a LIGHT background, but when you get too many mediums/lights it loses the pop.

    That's my two cents! :)

    I had a lot of fun with it, by the way. More fun than I would have cleaning my house, just for what it's worth! Hee hee.

  20. Oh Dear Kim,

    How could you post such a lovely stash of fabrics and not tell what it is. For us fabric disadvantaged out in the country, we need some help keeping current. Seems there's lots of aqua and red quilts in photos but not much at the LQS. Good luck on your baskets. They will really stand out on the white background.

    Best wishes,


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!