Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And Jiminy Cricket Stayed Home

You may remember my post of a few days ago in which I told you I sometimes hear Hubby's "voice" when he's not around, just like freakin Jiminy Cricket. This morning, though, Gran picked me up and we made such a fast getaway that for once, Jiminy Cricket wasn't able to follow. (Truth to tell, I had him tied up and duct taped in a closet.)

Guess where we went?

Do you know where we went now? Yep, Home Goods, and it's a Jiminy Cricket-free zone! Look what I found (there were actually four of the little red/white cups, but I just got one out of the box to show you):

Yummy, eh? I think it will all play verrrry nicely with the other red and red-and-white polkadotted beauties I already have. I'm SOOOOO ready now to start decorating for summer! (And I really was in need of a little inspiration too.)

Only problem? I'm feeling a tabletopper quilt coming on. Normally that wouldn't be a BAD thing, but I need to design, stitch, quilt, and write a pattern for a quilt I'll be teaching at the end of July, and I only have something like a month until I have hand surgery. When will I have time to make a tabletopper?

Still, I don't think I'll be able to resist that pile for long. I'm pretty sure that SOMEHOW I'll find time to sneak in something like a Schnibbles pattern. I have no willpower. Speaking of which, I guess I'll show you the other thing that came home with me.

Can't tell what it is all folded up like that? Here, now can you tell? It's back there under the window:

When I got it home, Jiminy Cricket said the color didn't match the house and someone would probably steal it. I can tell I'm going to have to get another couple rolls of duct tape. Sigh.


  1. Just paint the house! Gotcha Jiminy!

  2. Finally we are getting to see the new landscape and Patio, How neat. Glad you left Jimmy Cricket at home.

  3. You tell that Jiminy Cricket that not everything has to match! You just leave that table right where it is...I. LOVE. IT. I just finished painting our little iron bistro set bright aqua for the front porch. Just the splash of color that spot needed.

  4. Jiminy needs to have his mouth duct taped too!! I love that bunch of fabrics you have stacked there. I wonder how far I would have to travel to find some of them?!

  5. I agree with Kris, just paint the house. What a simple solution :-)

  6. Lovin' the Homegoods purchase! I need to get there. I try to stay away but I think I can make a special trip ;)

    And I don't know how you are going to stay away from the awesome pile of fabrics!

  7. Love all those polka dots and great find on the little table and chairs! Perhaps Jiminy Cricket needs to spend one night outside (LOL).

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Jiminy is SUCH a NAYSAYER ... which is almost as bad as being an EVILDOER ... where EVER in the world did you find that bunny bench?!? i like it ... i like it a LOT!!! and i like the x's at the tops of the chairs - they look like kisses

    p.s. my word verification is ansin - terrible grammer, eh? sin doesn't start with a vowel, so the n is not required, right?

    p.s.s. i spelled stuff wrong, so i'm trying again - and my wv is subrace this time - shall i go there? no ... i shall not.

  10. I wish I could have come along to do bad things along with you! I love your HG purchase and yes, that's me drooling over your fabrics...

  11. I wish there was a Home Goods close to me... Love the bistro set. You could buy coordinating duct tape now. It does come in colors. LOL

  12. my first thought when I was reading the post - "paint the house"....LOL....then I see Kris thought that same thing....scary that!....I need a little setting like that for my new house.....!...loving the red/white goodness...and that stack of fabric...yikes...too yummy for words!

  13. You are hysterical! Love this post and those pokadots!

  14. yum, yum, want to come over and steal that lovely pile of fabrics before I make a grab for the table and chairs, well done to whoever kidnapped Jiminy! Now have to scroll back and find out when it became hand surgery! Tracey


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