Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Moment of Silence, Please

Really, it's not safe to leave me unattended. I always seem to get into trouble. It's been a little crazy today.

First I'll tell you the good part. Then the bad part. Then I'll tell you another good part so you'll feel happy when you're done.

Today was another cleaning day--today it was the master bedroom. Between cleaning stuff, I took breaks in the Sweat Shop and made this little quilt top to coordinate with the other one--you can see them both on the wall; the new one is the one to the left. I had most of those half square triangles left from making the baskets plus the scraps I needed to make a few more, so it was pretty simple. I suspect I'll use the larger one on the kitchen table and the smaller one on the drawers in the kitchen.

See? When it comes to quilting, I'm pretty safe. Cleaning, though, is another story. I think I wasn't meant to clean.

Let me back track a second and explain the cleaning thing. Remember I'm supposed to have surgery on my right wrist/hand? Well, that's scheduled for June 22nd. The Wild Child is moving back home in mid-August to go back to college. I'm not sure how long it will take me to recover from surgery, so I want to get the house super-clean and organized NOW so it will be easier when the Wild Child moves back. Really, that's one of the main reasons behind the crazy cleaning lately.

So today it was the master bedroom, and that included weeding out all the clothes I no longer wear, storing the winter clothes, etc. I also have a large bookshelf of books I haven't read--some of them have been on the shelf for years and years, and I thought it was about time to get rid of the books I'm NEVER going to read. Then, of course, all the book dusting and shelf cleaning, etc. So you can imagine between those two chores and the rest of the cleaning, it took me most of the day and part of the night.

As I was getting near the end of the job--and it was getting rather late at night--I was finally down to the vacuuming. And here's a kind of funny thing. I needed to empty the vacuum "tank" before I started so I took it out to the garbage can which was down at the curb for pick up tomorrow. After I emptied it and turned back to the house, I saw Hubby standing there watching me. When I told him cleaning house wasn't a spectator sport, he said he'd had a sense of catastrophy and thought he'd better see what I was doing. Huh.

Anyway, I hauled the vacuum cleaner to the bedroom and started it up. I was really getting into the job, moving furniture and using all the cleaning attachments, but just as I was reaching the vacuum wand to clean behind a desk, the sound of the motor changed. I turned it off and switched the control over from "cleaning tools" to carpet and turned it back on. It still sounded odd. Then it started to smell bad and white puffy stuff came out from under the vacuum cleaner. Yikes! Of course I turned it off again and hauled it out to the garage for Hubby to look at.

Well, unbeknownst to me, I guess while I was using the vacuum wand, the main part of the vacuum cleaner rolled forward and sucked up a Roo. (These are little purple kangaroos that were given away free with the hairspray I use, and Stitch LOVES to play with them--he has a few.) Poor Roo. Don't look at the carnage if you're sensitive. Can we have a moment of silence for Roo, please?

While Hubby was removing what was left of Roo and hunting down a new vacuum belt, I continued to clean. What happened next was one of those crazy things you never expect to happen. I thought the light bulb in Hubby's bedside lamp needed a quick swipe with the sponge to get the dust off. POP! The bulb exploded and flames shot up. Luckily, though, the flames died when the lamp shorted out. Seriously, the hardest part was trying to convince Hubby it was HIS FAULT since he was the one with the premonition, and he was the one who did nothing to keep me safe. Huh.

Now I'm in serious need of a good soak in the (sparkling clean!) bathtub, but before I go do that, I wanted to start another little giveaway. Again, two Schnibbles patterns that are contained in Carrie Nelson's new Schnibbles book: Hot Cross and Nice Day.

Same rules as last time:

You are eligible to enter the drawing if (1) you are new to Schnibbles; (2) you don't have and don't so far plan to get the new Schnibbles book; and (3) you're able to make up your mind between the two patterns shown above--because when you comment, you have to tell me which drawing you want to be entered in and you can only enter one. A couple other details? Only one entry per person please. I'll draw the winners on Wednesday night and post the names on Thursday's blog post--and you must come back to visit to claim your prize. If either pattern is unclaimed within a week, it will go into another drawing.

Good luck!

* * * * *

Comments closed--winners to be announced shortly.


  1. I can not believe I am the first comment!!! I have been following the monthly pictures of the schnibbles quilts but with two moves within 6 months it idi not look good for mr to join. I would love to win the nice day pattern and do not plan on purchasing the book. Thank you for having the give away and I hope your surgery goes well.

  2. Sounds like you should lay off the cleaning for a while. It is something you should hire done. I have often considered it but then I decide to do it myself and spend the money on fabric. That always works for me. I would love the Nice Day Schnibbles pattern. I have heard a lot about people using the Schnibbles patterns but have never tried one myself. Thanks for the opportunity

  3. I was tempted to join the Schnibbles project, but didn't want to commit to something I've never tried. The patterns are both lovely, but please enter me for Hot Cross. (buns seems to go with that!) Take care with housework; it's dangerous to your health!

  4. Hi Kim. First I would choose the Hot Cross pattern if chosen as a winner. Second, I feel your pain. Literally. Tackling those pesky household chores rewarded me with a big old bruise on my forehead and a whole lot of frustration. Thanks

  5. I'm STILL new to Schnibbles and would love to have a Nice Day (unlike what you had yesterday!).

  6. Good Morning Kim
    I would loe to enter the NICE DAY pattern drawing. I hope you have a nicer day today than yesterday!

  7. I didn't know what a Schnibbles patterns was until I saw it on your site! Where have I been? I'd like to win the Hot Cross Buns patterns.

    Reading your blog, makes me want to clean today but its going to be around 90 degrees! No cleaning today!

  8. Hi Kim,
    love all your work and your blog.
    Please enter me for the Hot Cross pattern drawing.
    Good luck with your surgery.


  9. Hi Kim, Since I didn't win last time I'm still new to Scnibbles! I'd like to win Hot Cross. I had to chuckle at the beginning of your post--sounds like parent teacher conferences--give them some good, tell them the bad, and leave them with a good feeling! :) What are you cleaning next????

  10. Hi Kim: I have not done any Schnibbles. Have not/will not be getting the book/ and would like Hot Cross pattern if I won, as it looks like the easiest one to enlarge. Did I just take myself out of the running by saying I would be enlarging it? Good luck with your surgery..I have carpel tunnel also..but no surgery yet. My friend had it..she quilts..she was only down for 2 days.

  11. All this time I thought I was the only quilter alive that didn't own a Schnibbles pattern! ;-)
    I would love to own the Nice Day pattern.
    I think you need to stop cleaning now! What if that would have been the dog instead of the Roo!!!! Put the vacuum away before someone really gets hurt.

  12. Poor Roo~ :)
    I am still new to schnibbles~ I would like to enter for Hot Cross~Thank you!!

  13. I'd say comical at yours..but then lucky nobody was hurt! :-) Don't enter me for the drawing I have those patterns...but did enjoy the story today.

  14. I always think of you as a highly intelligent woman, and today's post has not disillusioned me. The second that husband of yours had the premonition I thought, "It's all his fault!" So glad you realised that too.

    I am completely loving the red and aqua quilts you are working on. Sooooooo pretty!!!

    Now, the schnibbles. I am new to them and I would love "Nice Day"

  15. I would love to have my name put into the hat for Hot Cross. At some point I need to make a Schnibble Pattern, they are so cute!

  16. I am so glad that all of the cleaning is done, so me and Gran won't have to do it!! See ya soon, hugs!


  17. So sorry for the untimely demise of Roo. I'd love to win Hot Cross. That describes how I feel some days, hot (not in a sexy way) and cross. Thanks!

  18. I like the hot cross best.

    Poor Roo. I hope your vacuum is okay, they can be expensive to replace.


  19. Oh, poor Roo...and poor Stitch...
    and you have WINTER clothes in California?
    Would love to win my first Schnibbles pattern... I don't have any of them and no book...

  20. tatuna (ta-TU-na - like wa-kan-TAN-ka, but polynesian instead of "native" american)... you can tell when i have nothing to say - i comment about the word verification ... and, since i have the book (and, yet, will probably NEVER make a schnibble) and you already know how i feel about housework and i, too, hate the smell of burning electrical things (especially vacuum cleaners and popped light bulbs - which i hope was not one of the new ones cuz the fumes can make you very, very ill ... did you see all those punctuation marks?) i really DON'T have anything to say 'cept, "Have a safe day." ... and does this mean that the dog is coming to live, too? cuz, if it does, you might as well stop with the cleaning now...

  21. My mind is made up...I choose Nice Day.
    Wishing you a nice day and one carefree of catastrophies.

  22. Way too much work going on at your house! My father was a firm believer in "sired labor" instead of hired labor, and I too use that practice (execpt Madamed labor just sounds...illegal, except in Nevada). I'd save the rest of the work for the wild child. It builds character, just ask my son,lol.

    I'm still not a Schnibbler, since I didn't win the last drawing, and am choosing Nice Day.
    Hope you have one too!

  23. Still a schnibble virgin. The hot cross buns looks like a winner to me!

  24. I thought you were supposed to be limiting the use of your hands and here you are decimating dirt and grime and sucking up poor defenseless stuffed things and making fire, in addition to the sewing storm! Your doctor will be mad at you.

    Hot Cross please, I am Schnibbleless to date!

  25. I an new to Schnibbles would love to win "Hot Cross". I live so far and will never can buy the book even this is gorgeous.
    Take care of your wrist. Have a nice day and
    gracias por la oportunidad. Un abrazo,

  26. I keep hearing and reading about Schnibbles but have yet to see them in the stores. I would Love to win Hot Cross! It looks like a wonderful pattern. Thanks for offering a great giveaway!

  27. Poor Roo!

    I've known about Schnibbles for a while, but never actually seen a pattern in person. I've got my eye on Nice Day. :)

  28. since I won last time - and thank you very much, I'm not entering this give-away. Just wanted to tell you that you started a bad thing - cleaning. I've been doing a little cleaning every day, one room at a time. You inspire people to do more than quilting.

  29. Oh Kim, you did have a bad cleaning day. Hope today is better for you. Nope, no Schnibbles here. I believe I would like Hot Cross. Have a great day. Winona

  30. well I would love Nice Day if you picked my name. And don't you know that housework will kill you. Stop now and let someone you don't like do it

  31. I've never schnibbled. I'd like to try the Hot Cross pattern. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. Thank you Kim for giving me another chance at a Schnibbles pattern. I really like "Nice Day" I also have had carpal tunnel surgery, good luck and a speedy recovery.


  33. Poor Roo!! So sad... but at least his (many) brothers live on.

    I think the Nice Day pattern is awesome. I'd love a chance to win it.

  34. I have always said that housework is dangerous to ones health - you have proven that point! Please clean with caution :-). I would like to enter into the contest, and I would like the "Hot Cross" Pattern.
    Thank you so much.

  35. Hi Kim, Thank you for not holding it against me that I bailed on the cleaning thing, but I just had to do something (anything) else of Saturday. I still don't know what Schnibbles are and would love to have the Hot Cross pattern to learn.


  36. I would love to try the Hot Cross pattern! I have become very intrigued with Schnibbles because of you.


  37. I meet all the criteria, and would love to win the Nice Day pattern. I hope things improve in your day! Cleaning is not for the faint of heart! Hugs, Cathy T

  38. I really like the hot cross. My daughter is visiting with her kids for a few days and I kept reading your post to her and showed her the picture of the roo cause it sounds so much like her,LOL!

  39. I like HOT CROSS.

  40. I think you deserve to hire a cleaning lady :-)

    I like the Nice Day Schnibbles and would like to be entered for that one :-)

  41. I think cleaning is hazardous to your health and so you should not do it!

    I would pick the Nice Day pattern...

    and poor little Roo, He gave up his life to save you from cleaning. See he knew you should not be cleaning! He did his best to stop you...

  42. I have admired but not tried any of the Schnibbles. I would love to win Hot Cross! Thanks for the chance!!

  43. I will go out in sympathy with you Kim, I am in the midst of the cleaning process myself, we are shifting next week so everything has to be clean and tidy.
    Some wonderful ladies are supposed to be coming to help me on Friday(I hope they turn up) I have been admiring all the schnibbles quilts out there and would love to make one, Can I choose Nice Day please, and here's wishing you a Nice Day too!

  44. I'm new to schnibbles and don't have patterns or the book. Hot Cross looks interesting to me!

  45. I had a corneal abrasion last week, and while it was not caused by flying glass, I think I can safely predict that it's probably better to have a little dust than GLASS IN YOUR EYE. LOL.

    I'd like to have a Nice Day. Please :-)

  46. Nice Day for me please! I still wanna join the Schnibbles Gang...Is there a special hazing I have to go through first?? :)

    Sandy A in St. Louis

    PS...Be careful with all that cleaning!

  47. I would love to be included in the drawing for a Schnibbles pattern-Nice Day would be my choice. I enjoy seeing your Schnibbles, your color selections are wonderful!
    I always suspected that cleaning was hazardous, now I know for sure!
    Have a great day and be careful!
    Bemidji, MN

  48. I really need to clean my house, too, but that will have to wait until I'm done with school in a few weeks. In the meantime, your posts are mentally preparing me. I think Hot Cross would be a good way to reward myself for a sparkling clean house.

  49. I am very new to "Schnibbles" - I can't even FIND the book to look at.....so I have not bought one. I am not even sure what a "Schnibble" is... but my favorite one would be "Hot Cross".
    You be careful now !!!

  50. I am new to Schnibbles - I love that Hot Cross pattern! Count me in!

  51. I can choose between the two and I like Nice Day. Hope I win.

    have a nice day.

  52. I've never done Schnibbles and I just fell in love with the hot cross pattern. Yippee!

  53. It may be a sin, but I’ll forfeit buying fabric in order to afford a house cleaner. So worth it!
    I swear on my house cleaner that I have never bought or made a Schnibbles, don’t plan on buying the book (gotta pay for the house cleaner), and would love to own Nice Day.

  54. My deepest regaurds to Roo...

    I think the hot cross pattern looks really fun and I would love to make it (and for the record I am Schnibbleless)

  55. oh wow you have been busy
    I hope I am not to late for the draw I love them both and dont have any plans to get them I think Hot crossed wold be my pick

    hugs Beth

  56. Hot cross (buns), hot cross (buns). One a penny, two a penny, hot cross (buns).

  57. Kim: I love the Hot Cross Buns pattern and would love to win it. Poor Roo, he lived a good life.......
