Monday, May 24, 2010


You know yesterday's post? I could pretty much repeat it to describe today. Made coffee, waited for everyone to come help clean, no one showed up, I cleaned the second bathroom, and I worked on the basket quilt during periods of grime soaking.

Not only did I not get to go to Quilt Market, but I spent much of the time in my bathrooms, inhaling fumes that are undoubtedly detrimental to my health. I live a glamorous life, marked by one high point after another.

But there's a small glimmer of happiness in my day--the Picnic quilt top. Shall I show you? Okay, you twisted my arm.

Remember the movie Groundhog Day where Bill Murray lived the same day over and over again? Well, I still have the livingroom, two bedrooms, an office, the Sweat Shop, and the kitchen left to clean. I'll have the coffee ready at 9 a.m. No, I won't hold my breath.


  1. Kim,
    Great job with the quilt. And the spring cleaning!!!

  2. Wow, the quilt top turned out GREAT! I can't see your bathroom, but the bright side is that I also can't see your bathing reflection in the chrome fixtures, LOL.

  3. Aaaw poor thing. Cleaning stinks. But the quilt rocks! I'm always amazed by how well the quilts looks with nontraditional backgrounds, lol in a good way!

  4. Hmmm... sounds a little like my home! Are you sure you weren't here?

  5. Cute, cute quilt. And in my opinion you've got the yuckiest cleaning done. Way to go!

  6. Sandy from ThimbleberriesMay 24, 2010 at 5:27 AM

    The quilt top looks great. Isn't it amazing by changing the color what a difference it made. I love it.
    I spent my day sewing with Julie. It was a lovely day.

  7. Oh my goodness this is the cutest thing EVER! Love it! I bought a steam mop yesterday and mopped my kitchen and living room floors (all tile). It's always a bummer, but it's so nice to have them sparkly!

  8. Your quilt turned out beautifully!

    I didn't show up to help you but was with you in spirit. I decided to join you by cleaning the kid's bathroom. Smells and looks much better now. I've learned that our kids (11,19,22) are not very good cleaners. I'm not sure I want to visit their houses once they move out lol.

  9. It turned out so cute, I love the colors! Don't work too hard!



  10. WOW! It's gorgeous! That Sinta is one smart cookie. It's looks fantastic!

  11. YOu have been hard at work! Both sewing and cleaning! I had to go back and see what you did over the weekend... and I really do like the way your blocks turned out here! Very fun, I just love your fabrics!

  12. today, Monday, i'd rather be with you cleaning the toilets, the kitchen, etc. Yesterday, I was catching Sandy up and we had a glorious time. It is always fun to hang out at Sandy's house.

    loved your quilt!!!


  13. See, here's the problem...I don't drink coffee! I'd rather come help you clean than go to work, so I'll see what I can work out.

  14. Hi Kim,

    Love your quilt. Turquoise and red are just so great together. Who knew?? And basket quilts mean spring and summer, picnics, ah-h-h.

    Good luck on the cleaning. I'm still working so I can pay for someone to help with that. I may be older and grayer before I give it up.



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