Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

I spent Sunday cleaning--but it was the fun kind of cleaning, if there is such a thing. The plan was to clean the "office" today--the office is where the computer resides, and under the desk (which spans the length of the room) are all my baskets of wool. Then there are other crafty things stored around the room in a dresser and another smaller desk and the closet. I also have a hard desk-type wooden chair that had been collecting magazines, books, and papers, and when I started to move things around for cleaning, I realized that one of the most urgent needs was to sort out the magazines and papers--because I could barely budge the chair, it was so heavy. Since most of the magazines were of the quilting variety, that meant sitting around, looking through magazines, and pulling out patterns I wanted to keep. ALL DAY LONG--or close to it, anyway. See what I mean about the fun kind of cleaning?

So this evening the office looks much the same as it did when I was about 15 minutes into cleaning it this morning, except now there's only a couple of things on the chair. Really, once I get down to the true cleaning, the office won't take long.

Did any of you happen to pop by Gran's blog and see that she suffered a fall on Saturday? She called me tonight and said she had no broken bones but she's pretty sore and bruised. I'm starting to think maybe it's ME--everyone around me seems to be falling! If she's up to it in the morning, we're going to get together for coffee at least--we've hardly seen each other since before Quilt Market other than at tea and embroidery the other day, and I'm sure there must be stories from market that I haven't heard yet.

Hubby's still alive, by the way. He's starting to adjust to being less mobile, although he DID roll over one of the cats in the hallway today. There's not much room to turn the wheelchair, so he was backing down the hallway when we both heard a cat scream. I popped out of the Sweat Shop (where I was "working" on the magazines) and saw both our cats run toward the kitchen. Neither seemed at all flat and both seemed to be running fairly well, so although I couldn't tell who had been rolled over, whoever it was didn't seem adversely affected.

I've also started to adjust to Hubby's current limitations. A friend volunteered to take me to my surgery in a few weeks, so that's one less worry. And Hubby can cook if whatever he needs is assembled for him on the kitchen counter--and I'll still have one hand to do that with--so we're not going to starve. Neither of us will be able to drive for a little bit, but I'm sure Soccer Son will help out if we have to go anywhere or if we need something from the store. So things are falling into place and I'm feeling a little less frantic. It's not ideal, but then when IS it ideal? It always seems like "bad luck" hits in a series, at the most inopportune time, doesn't it? The key, I think, is in realizing it's not the end of the world and learning to cope and adjust.

For those of you in the U.S., I hope you're enjoying the Memorial Day weekend. Traditionally, Memorial Day marks the start of summer, and we could smell the barbecues all over the neighborhood tonight. Personally, I'm feeling a craving for a BBQ'd hamburger coming on and I think I'll have to do something about that tomorrow! Thanks for taking time to stop by and visit with me.


  1. When I'm having a bad time it helps me to remember that nothing lasts forever. It hasn't always been this way and it won't always be. Wish I was close enough to lend a hand but I know you must have lots & lots of friends who can. Blessings on you & hubby!

  2. Was thinking about coming out to visit y'all but with you pushing your husband down, and even though I haven't gotten to read Gran's blog yet I'm pretty sure you pushed her down...I'm thinking Soccer Son better watch out, he might be next...just sayin'......
    BBQ...what a great idea, what time?

  3. Cleaning out my sewing room is my favorite kind of cleaning! Here's to speedy recoverys!

  4. Happy to hear that things are looking a bit better. Speedy recovery for both of you!

  5. Whenever I go through my quilting magazines I always find those quilts that I wanted to make but forgot about. Always fun!

    Maybe you could make some homemade TV dinners for you and Hubby before you have your surgery. I like to cook extra servings for dinner. Then I take them and put them in these divided Ziploc containers, wrap with plastic wrap and put them in the freezer. Then we can just pop them in the microwave whenever we don't feel like cooking or someone wants something different for dinner. Tomorrow I plan on making a couple dishes of lasagna and there will be lots left over for lunches and a second dinner. I've even made breakfast burritos and soft tacos. The kids (and Hubby) love to be able to go in the freezer and grab a taco or two for lunch.

  6. I hadn't been to Gran's blog yet...OMG....I've got to get over there. Wishing you a blessed Memorial Day.

  7. KIm,
    I always feel better when I can find a space to sit and have got rid of the papers and such that is piled here and there. It is a fun kind of cleaning - but it takes me forever to go through those kind of papers because I keep getting distracted.LOL

    It is good to know that your son is there to help you out when you won't be able to drive. I am always glad when I can find some solutions to the things that I am struggling with- then I can find other solutions to other things too.
    I am also glad that you have good friends like Gran and Pam who I know will help you out- We all need our friends and I am sure you are going to find out that you are well loved.
    Hope you have had a lovely Memorial Day!
    Warmest regards,


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!