Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Day in the Sweat Shop

The title of this post probably sounds a lot nicer than the reality of my day, assuming that you're a reader who knows the Sweat Shop is my sewing haven. Unfortunately, though, I've gotten back to super-cleaning the house, and the Sweat Shop was the room I concentrated my efforts on today. It's such a small room, and it's jam packed with all my stuff, so the furniture rarely gets moved for vacuuming and dusting--and if you're a quilter, you KNOW how much dust comes from textiles. So I did all that and it was a big job, but it's done now for awhile. (And no Roos were sacrificed, nor did I accidentally light anything on fire--woo hooo!)

Once the cleaning was done, I finished stitching down the binding on the red/aqua basket quilt.

I think I mentioned that I'd sorted out my scrap drawers when I talked about bindings yesterday, didn't I? Well, I filled up a box of scraps for you--if you're lucky. If you're a scrappy quilter and would love to add a box of scraps to your stash, leave me a comment telling me you want to be entered. Because of the weight of this box, in order not to bankrupt myself on postage, I need to limit entries to U.S. residents--sorry! Want to take a look inside?

There's all sorts of stuff in there! I'll draw a winner on Monday night and announce the winner on Tuesday's post.

During the last part of the evening, I've been doing a little quilting, and for the past hour or so, Stitch has been very mischevious. He's been trying to get my attention by getting into and onto everything. He's really a cuddly cat, and I think he's telling me it's time to go to bed so I can pet him while I read.

I hope you're enjoying the weekend! I'm glad you could stop by for a little visit.


COMMENTS CLOSED--Winner being selected and will be announced!


  1. I so enjoy reading your blog. Our group would love to be entered to win the box of scraps. Our blog is:

  2. Awwww! I would love your scraps, but I get how expensive it would be to post! I just love your red and aqua quilt. Too gorgeous!!!

  3. I just started quilting! this box would help me start my stash! Thanks for the chance.

  4. Hi Kim! Please send your scrappies to me!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. I love playing with other people's scraps! It's fun to dig through a box and see what other people like to buy.

    You have been on such a cleaning spree. It will feel great once it is all done!

  6. I want these scraps. I NEED these scraps for a project that is still in the dream-and-plan stage. I'll pay the postage, too.

  7. I'd love to be entered in the drawing for your scraps! Better than a box of chocolates! I love your red/ aqua quilt, it is perfect! Thanks for the chance to win your scraps.
    Bemidji, MN

  8. I love your blog, only you could make the demise of a roo and torch lamps amusing(don't you hate the smell of burning vac belts). Glad no misshaps to report.

    I love scrap quilts and would love to play in that box! (translates to like a dog likes to roll in stinky things)...of course i love cats too!

  9. Thank you for offering a giveaway of all of that fun fabric!! I am new to quilting and sewing and would LOVE to use that fabric and create!!
    Have a great day!

  10. Thanks for the opportunity to win a box of your scraps. It would be a great way to try new colors and patterns. I love your blog, and hope you and your hubby are doing a little better today.

  11. Picnic is delightful and so darned cheerful!!! I started cutting for another last night using more Jo fabrics.
    That box of scraps would come in handy for crumb blocks. :-)

  12. Oh man, what I wouldn't give for a box of your scraps! Please enter me. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  13. I am working on a charm quilt so this would come in handy. I think my husband would love me more if it was free!

  14. I'd love to win the goodie box! I'd love to see what fabric you buy. Having a great weekend, tho I do have to work tomorrow at the Nursing Home! All good..I'm the activity girl! LOL

    Have a great day!

  15. Glad to see you're having a better day. I so love the basket quilt and aqua are so fresh and happy. A great photo of stitch!! I too am organizing fabric. Count me in on your draw!

  16. Read your blog daily...what a joy. I'm tired of my own scraps..what fun it would be to go thru someone elses!

  17. I love the blue and yellow fabric on the top of the box! Please count me in. I am doing a siggie swap with my guild and need to make at least 75 scrappy hatchet blocks using 2 1/2" squares. THis sure would help me with variety!

    Sandy A in St. Louis
    PS...Stitch sure is a cutie!

  18. Kim, I LOVE your basket quilt! It is really really gorgeous. The fabrics work so well together. You rock!

    I have a mountain of my own scraps...but another quilter will be super lucky to get yours!

  19. Holy cow! I would love to win your scraps! And I'd be glad to pay the postage.
    Your basket quilt is awesome. I haven't made anything red and aqua yet - such a happy combination.
    Hope your husband is recuperating.

  20. Thank you for a chance to be added in your drawing for scraps.
    I love your aqua and red baskets. It is soooo pretty. I love basket quilts. You amaze me how quick you got it done. Love your posting. Have a great weekend yourself.

  21. Oooh, I'm feeling lustful for that green piece sticking out near the front. Looks yummy, thanks Kim! :)

  22. Love your quilt! And congrat's on the cleaning~ its what I have to do this week and I'm dreading it. :-/ Please enter me for your scraps, I love making scrappy quilts and love variety! :-) Have a happy day!

  23. I have read your blog for sometime now, ordered your patterns and now I would love to win your scraps! Thanks for the chance! Hope all is going well--love Stitch!

  24. Wow, another amazing giveaway!!!!!! Scrap quilts are my favorites. Thank you so much for entering me in your giveaway!

  25. love the scraps & would love to win. It is always fun for me to clean my sew/fabric stash. Then, you realize what you have that you have forgotten.

    kim from san diego

  26. Another quilters scraps are so fun to rummage through......mmmmmm.......delightful!

  27. Cleaning your sewing room and binding winding :) in the same day. Very good, the quilt is gorgeous. I am not a blue person but love, love, love aqua, go figure.

    Your basket quilt is looks great, love the pic from yesterday. Send some of that northern California creativity down south.

  28. Kim, Do you think I could be lucky twice in a row? Probably not but I like to try. I do have an American address that I can use so please enter me in the draw for the scraps. Scrappy is my favorite kind of quilt.

  29. I would love to win your scraps. Scrap quilts are my favorite. Even though I have plenty of scraps it would be fun to have some that are new and different. Thanks for the chance.

  30. I would love to win your box of scraps. They would be put to good use for sure. Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. I would love to win your scraps!

    The aqua and red baskets are squeezeably cute.

    My cat follows me around too until I sit down or go to bed so she can assume the "ready to be adored" position of her choice.

  32. I really love your basket quilt! And I love scraps!

  33. Thanks for this great box of scraps giveaway. I love scraps.

  34. Your basket quilt is just fab! I love it. I can't wait to see where you decide to display it. One of these days I will make a Schnibbles. Have to pick one out and just start it, I suppose.

  35. I haven't entered anything in a long time. Maybe that will make me lucky. Wow you have been doing lots of cleaning. Gold stars for you for sure

  36. I love your blog and never miss it. Scrap quilts are my absolute favorites so please enter me in the drawing.

    How generous of you to do this.


  37. Love this quilt. The colors are wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win your scraps.

  38. Kim, I would love to be entered for the box of scraps. I love to make scrap quilts. What better way to really get scrap quilts than scraps from someone else. I don't have a blog so if I win I will e-mail you my address. Love to read your blog. Dortha

  39. Thank you for the nice offer of taking on your scraps! I would love to see what magic could be made with them--perhaps somethings using haft-square triangles.
    Tina in California

  40. I LOVE that basket quilt. Have I mentioned that before? And I love your cat's name. He looks like he keeps you in stitches. I also like scrappy things, so please enter me into your drawing.

  41. I would love the chance to win your box of scraps. I love to make scrappy quilts! I'm in the middle of several right now, actually.

  42. Sandy from ThimbleberriesMay 30, 2010 at 7:43 PM

    I would love to win your scraps. I like the fabric you choose. Please enter me in the drawing.

  43. Would love a chance to win your scraps
