Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Trip to the Rainbow Sheep Ranch

Maybe you noticed I didn't post last night. The reason behind that is two-fold: (1) my hands/arms have been bothering me the last couple days and so I haven't been doing any sewing and not much typing and (2) as a consequence of my inactivity, I wasn't doing much that was worth blogging about. I did manage to read Love Mercy by Earlene Fowler and I've nearly finished Quilt as You Go by Arlene Sachitano. Both good books. Yeah, I could have blogged about that last night except not the part about Quilt as You Go because that's the one I read today. So . . . it sure would have been a short post.

Today I finally started to worry a little bit about developing couch potato sores on my backside, and I had just gotten some dyes in the mail a couple days ago, so I thought I'd do a little experimenting with a couple different methods of dying wool. The results?

I like it so far. What you see above represents four dye batches--I have many more to experiment with. And those pinks? They're actually two different colors--one was a pink and one was more purple, and I could tell the difference when they were wet, but now that they're dry, it's hard to tell. I really like the way the different base colors and weaves take the dyes differently. It's a surprise each time.

You should see the piles of wool on the Wild Child's former bed. I've visited the thrift store a couple times lately and scored several wool blazers, and I've pulled out just about all the wool from my baskets that I thought was suitable for overdying. Now it's all waiting for me to dye some more. Maybe tomorrow.

The only other quilting-related activity I've done this weekend was to pin the picnic quilt, and I was able to take a little bit better photo of it when it was on the tables--

I'm really anxious to get started quilting it but I don't want to aggravate my hands/arms. As far as that goes, I'm still waiting to hear about approval for the nerve conduction studies--maybe that will come through this week. I'll be seeing my doctor on Tuesday, so I should hear more then. In the meantime, I have a LOT more books, a lot more dye, and a whole pile of wool to play with.


  1. I feel it is a treat to see what you have been doing with some of your wool. I can hardly wait to take your class on April 3rd!!!
    I am working through Love Mercy and enjoying it. Don't you love Earlene Fowler! Your picnic quilt looks like a picnic time is just around the corner.

  2. I love the colors of your picnic quilt Kim and your dyed wools are awesome.

  3. Love those dyed wools Kim! My overdying experience wasn't successful at all. the colors didn't take or change the original much. I love your picnic quilt!

  4. I love the picnic quilt, it is so cheery. It's a Disappearing 9 Patch, right?

  5. Love, love, LOVE your picnic quilt!!!

  6. HI Kim!!
    Sorry if this email is a bit damp...I've been drooling over your dyed wool!! Gorgeous!! The hounds tooth checks are to the thrift stores for me!! I love a good hunt!!
    Take care of those hands!

  7. I've never felted wool, but I'm fascinated by your encouragement. Does it have to be woven wool? What about a knit? Yeah, I have some cashmere sweaters that the moths got to.

    Then again, didn't you make sweaters into pillows a while back?

  8. Wow! That is a lot of wool. I want to run out to the thrift store and buy dyes. I will wait patiently to get all the information from you. Irene has been dying her wool ith Rit dye and uses 1 box for Wow-color that really pops out, 1.2 box for a lighter look and 1/4 box for a soft look. I may become a wool fan. I have a pattern I have always wanted to do and here is my chance to learn and get it done!!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!