Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friday Night Sew-In

Another Friday Night Sew-In has come and gone, and as usual, it was an excellent opportunity to plan an uninterrupted evening of sewing fun. The only thing I can think of that would have made it better is if there had been something on TV to watch, but with March Madness going on, most of the shows that WERE on were reruns. Still, there were the cable channels and a couple programs I hadn't seen before.

Why is it that borders always take a lot longer than we expect? I thought I'd slap the borders on the picnic quilt in no time and be off on another project, but of course it didn't exactly work out that way. Here's the quilt top once I got the borders on. It's just spread out on top of my bed, so the resident quilt can be seen underneath but I think you can tell where one starts and the other stops. I'll try to get a better photo soon.

I'm pretty pleased with it so far. After getting the borders on, I decided to piece a back for it and cut the batting. Then I laid it all out and clamped it down on the tables on the patio so I can pin it tomorrow. Because the point of this quilt is to be able to make something quickly that can be used for a picnic, I'll quilt it in a fairly simple all-over pattern, and I hope to have it done before too long.

I wasn't sure if I'd continue on and work on the matching picnic tote tonight, but in the end I decided to finish piecing some blocks that had been hanging around on the design wall waaaaaaaaaaaay too long.

You may remember these basket blocks from a few months ago. I'd started appliqueing the flowers and got sidetracked by another project and then my arms fell off, so these have just sat on the wall. The problem was that five of the blocks hadn't been sewn into actual BLOCKS, and so they couldn't be moved easily if I needed the wall space. Now that task is done, and hopefully I'll be able to get back to the applique before too long.

I have one more "clean up" type of "chore" that I wish I could have taken care of tonight, but I ran out of time. I absolutely, positively need to make a new cover for my tabletop ironing board. Every spring, it seems, I find I've worn out the old one. Maybe that's something I'll get around to this weekend. Right now, though, it's bed time. Thanks for visiting!


  1. your baskets are rock my quilting world... for real

  2. Kim the pastel quilt is cheery and bright. The colors work so well together. I just live the basket quilt. Did you ever share the name with us? It looks complicated but you have done a stunnning job.

  3. Beautiful! And your border is gorgeous. Great job Kim!

  4. You bet I remember those blocks...I'm glad they are back! Hee! Just beautiful

  5. yeah borders always slay me too. that's when half my work ends up a "work in progress" til I an figure out what I want to do, or make myself cut that loooooooooooong strip of fabric and then sew it on and pray that there are no waves.
    that aside, I love LOVE LOVE your baskets! Red is fabulous!!!!!

  6. Your quilt and blocks look gorgeous! I desperately need a new ironing board cover and just never seem to get around to it.

  7. I love your blocks and quilt...very lovely!

  8. those basket blocks are so doggone pretty ...... wait - you said that you clamped down the picnic quilt on the patio table?!? isn't your patio covered with seven inches of fresh snow like mine is?

  9. I love your baskets! I just got a new pattern for a basket quilt, and will start it if I ever finish some of these other UFO's!

  10. I adore the picnic is so charming and retro.....I may have to find out more about it and make one...the colors sing to me...I love having a quilt to put over a picnic table....the baskets are beautiful too.....applique is a whole lot of work! last night was my first friday night sew really got me motivated too.....

  11. Love the picnic quilt - it's going to be lovely and bright.

    And also really like your basket blocks, I'd say you had a very productive night!

  12. Your picnic quilt is adorable and especially the border fabric!!!


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