Friday, January 15, 2010

Getting Everything Ready . . .

Technically, it's Friday, although it's not much past Thursday night and I haven't gone to bed yet. Still, it's time for the Friday Night Sew-In--or it will be tonight. (Gosh, is there a TIME to start?!) I'm ready; are you?!

I came home from work and cleaned house. Most of the time, I speed clean--whatever's not done in two hours isn't going to GET done. Tonight, though, I was cleaning at warp speed--1 hour, 20 minutes. Nearly unbelieveable and quite possibly a new record. Hubby and I are fairly neat and tidy people (because our house is so small, we'd be thought horders otherwise), so when I clean, there's not usually a lot of straightening up and putting away that needs to take place--I can just dive right into the whirlwind cleaning.

Once the house was clean (and I ate a little Chinese fast food for dinner), I made some homemade chicken and pasta soup for tomorrow night's dinner. Hubby was nearly drooling at the chicken-y soup aroma wafting throughout the house, and in a weak moment, he offered to bake homemade honey wheat rolls to go with the soup. Yum! It's been awhile since he baked bread! So we have that to look forward to when I get home from work tomorrow night!

(There's what looks like a bit of spill residue there on the outside of the pot--can you see what I'm talking about? Do you think it looks like a holy image? Can I sell tickets to view it and make money for fabric? Yes, I know I'll probably be stricken (struck?) dead for my irreverent sense of humor someday--I just hope it doesn't happen for 40 years or so.)

What else did I do tonight? Well, I just couldn't resist. I started the project I planned to work on Friday night. While watching The Mentalist and a re-run of an MI-5 episode, I pieced the 9-patch blocks.

Time now for bed, because the Friday Night Sew-In isn't going to arrive until I've slept, gone to work, and come home again to play!


  1. I can see a face on the pot, I think it looks like a leprechaun though, lol.

  2. I love the poka dots, Kim. Can't wait to see the completed project. I think I see Elvis on the side of the pot!!!!


  3. An image on the pot? HMMM - could it just be soup? Sorry to dash your money making hopes. LOL

    I know that quilt is going to be for me - I just know it. LOL

  4. I do see a face but I think it's Bob Dylan...LOL

  5. I think it looks a little like Olivia Newton John... just sayin. Can't wait to see what you get done on Friday night.

  6. HI Kim!
    I also joined the Friday Sew In...and I'm not sure what it entails? Does it mean we start or continue with a sewing project until we drop and then post what we did on Saturday...did I get this right? (Sounds like any other night to me....)Do we do this on any other Fridays?
    And the pot...I think you should cash in right now, quick before the holy image flakes off!;o)

  7. Hi, Kim, My first time to comment. Love your blog and sense of humor! Your chicken and pasta soup looks delicious, would you mind sharing the recipe? Thank you, Linda of OK

  8. Love the Friday night sew in idea! And the fabric you are using for the new project? Absolutely darling!

  9. Mmmm, that soup looks good, and I am not a soup person. Hubby's bread sounds delish too. Have fun sewing tonight! :-)

  10. It was Elvis, alright. He loved food, so it only makes sense that he'd appear in the kitchen somewhere.
    Your husband is always doing something didn't just make him up, did you?

  11. i think i see an alien ... Melissa says it looks like "Mars Attacks" ... but then we believe in UFOs that are not quilt-related ... strike the WE and make it i - mmhmmm, someone is reading over my shoulder ...... and i am loving those polka dots!

  12. Nothing nicer than having the cleaning over and done with for another week! That soup looks delicious! almost as good as that new project!!

  13. Have fun sewing away tonite! Can't wait to see the goodie you get done. As far as the image..umm looks like chicken soup to me???

    Have fun!

  14. So, it is the middle of the night on Friday, well, Saturday morning, how are you doing? Your soup by the looks of it must have been delicious. The quilt blocks sure look like something bright and cheerful.

  15. I am hanging out for that soup recipe. Your soup look delicious! The Mentalist, huh? Love it!


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